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Another Big Tech Antitrust Accusation – Now By A Former Assistant Attorney General

5-1-2019 < Activist Post 52 331 words

By B.N. Frank

Recently Activist Post published an article about how Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown accused the government of not being aggressive enough on antitrust issues with tech companies.

On January 2, 2018, CNN published an opinion piece with the same accusations.  It was written by Sally Hubbard, a former assistant attorney general in the New York AG Antitrust Bureau who heads up big tech and monopolization for The Capitol Forum.

She explained in great detail how Big Tech has been violating the Sherman Act of 1890. 

The Sherman Act was created to combat juggernauts that ruled entire industries like oil and railroads. It was made precisely for the highly concentrated power we see today in Big Tech. When passing the law, Senator John Sherman declared, “If we would not submit to an emperor, we should not submit to an autocrat of trade…”

Ms. Hubbard ends the piece with perhaps the most powerful and obvious statement of how this needs to be stopped:

And Congress should also step in and fix bad court decisions so that the antitrust laws can work for all of us again.

Damn straight.

So Congress Members (including you, Sherrod), have you all forgotten that you’re supposed to be protecting us from Big Tech instead of the other way around?  We’re getting awfully tired of Big Tech running and ruining our country with harmful and unnecessary technology with your assistance as well as The Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC).

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