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Trump Quietly Picks Next SCOTUS Nominee as Ginsburg Prepares to Retire

8-1-2019 < No Fake News 69 479 words
President Trump prepares to appoint next SCOTUS nominee as Ginsburg's ailing health means imminent retirement

President Trump is preparing to pick the next Supreme Court Justice nominee as Ruth Bader Ginsburg looks set to retire this year. 

Rumors of Ginsburg’s ill health have been circulating for months now. However, according to sources in DC, Justice Ginsburg’s ill health has deteriorated so much that she can no longer attend court. reports: Word is some Democrat operatives have become so desperate as to demand President Trump be politically “cut off at the knees” so that said appointment never happens.

Via The Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is missing arguments for the first time in more than 25 years as she recuperates from cancer surgery last month, the Supreme Court said.

Ginsburg was not on the bench as the court met Monday to hear arguments. It was not clear when she would return to the court, which will hear more cases on Tuesday and Wednesday, and again next week.

Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said the 85-year-old justice is continuing to recuperate and work from home after doctors removed two cancerous growths from her left lung on Dec. 21.

Ginsburg was discharged from a New York hospital on Dec. 25.

Chief Justice John Roberts said in the courtroom Monday that Ginsburg would participate in deciding the argued cases “on the basis of the briefs and transcripts of oral arguments.”

That last line is important to note as it points to Chief Justice Roberts’ willingness to provide cover for what some are suggesting is a much more frail/incoherent Justice Ginsburg than Ginsburg-friendly media reports would suggest. As to those initial 2019 argues cases that Roberts says Ginsburg will be able to participate in from her recovery at home, it appears more and more likely it is Ginsburg’s staff who are unofficially speaking on behalf of the unwell Justice Ginsburg – something that is said to have been taking place more and more over recent years.

DC interests supportive of the Trump White House are alleging Chief Justice Roberts is increasingly opposed to seeing the president be given yet another court position to fill, one that would in this case decidedly shift the court’s leanings to the right.

Enemies of the president, and they are legion, are pinning their hopes on the soon-to-be released Mueller report which they hope will be strong enough to politically “cut the president off at the knees” so that enough Republican senators will delay what would likely be an even more contentious/divisive confirmation process than the fiasco that took place for Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
