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CBS News Deletes Viral Fact Check On Migrant Women Raped Crossing Southern Border

9-1-2019 < The Daily Sheeple 102 302 words

CBS News deleted a “fact check” of Trump’s border wall speech on Tuesday night which said the situation with migrant women being raped while illegally crossing our southern border is even worse than he described.

The fact check read:

Fact check: 1 in 3 women sexually assaulted while traveling to cross the border

CLAIM: The president claimed one in three women have been sexually assaulted traveling to the border.

FACT: Between 60 percent and 80 percent of female migrants traveling through Mexico are raped along the way, Amnesty International estimates.

CBS News deleted this fact check from their own article “fact checking” Trump’s speech on Tuesday night. You can see an archived copy which includes the fact check here.

A reprint of CBS News’s original article is still up on CBS affiliate WinkNews.

It appears CBS News doesn’t want their readers to know how many women are said to be raped by coyotes and smugglers while attempting to cross illegally into our country.

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