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Kick the Puppy Episode 19

22-1-2019 < Attack the System 77 218 words


The condition of internet freedom 6 years after the death of Aaron Schwartz, divided about immigration because we speak different languages, Vilfredo Pareto, South Carolina town now a Juggalo free zone, Juggalos VS facial recognition software, wearing a mask in public, Illinois thinks it is now taxing lap dances, tourists relax on the beach in Acapulco among bullet ridden bodies, 7 Star Trek series to be on the air by 2020, how anarchists respond to the government “shutdown,” what’s causing the rise of hoarding disorder, U.S. now says all online gambling is illegal, U.S. proposes to allow drone operation at night over people, hackers broke into an SEC database and made millions from inside information, American anarchist against federal identification numbers, Costco is opening a $440 million chicken farm to escape America’s chicken monopoly, Florida man drives golf cart drunk barks like a dog and gives deputies the middle finger, getting tasered by Reno 911.
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