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Street fighter injures 3 cops in insane Dutch daylight brawl (VIDEO)

22-1-2019 < RT 63 231 words

After being caught on video in a bizarre ‘charging up’ stance, a 30-year-old Polish man injured three police officers during a violent clash in a Dutch town.

The brawl took place in Waalwijk, near Rotterdam in the Netherlands on Monday afternoon. The majority of the violence was captured on camera by a random passerby who can be heard saying, “This is going to go viral,” as the unnamed man violently assaults two trainee officers and their backup.

The three officers used a combination of truncheons, pepper spray, and no less than three warning shots to subdue the man, though not before he had caused considerable damage to several vehicles on the street, including jumping on one and attempting to carjack another which was occupied at the time of the chaotic attack.

Police have yet to determine why the man was so aggressive, though they have not ruled out that he may have been under the influence of drugs, according to an official statement.

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One police officer was sent to hospital for treatment to an ankle injury picked up during the street brawl, while the two others sustained minor facial injuries during the skirmish.

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