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“Naya Pakistan”: Come One, Come All, and See “New Pakistan” with Your Own Eyes!

27-1-2019 < Global Research 43 617 words

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s “Naya Pakistan” (“New Pakistan”) just passed legislation loosening the country’s previously difficult visa procedure to allow for most of the world’s nationalities to either receive one on arrival or electronically, which will not only boost tourism and facilitate business dealings but impressively show the international community that Azad Kashmir is truly free and not “Pakistan-occupied” like India falsely alleges.

Pakistan just unprecedentedly passed legislation loosening its previously difficult visa procedure to allow for most of the world’s nationalities to either receive one on arrival or electronically as part of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s “Naya Pakistan” (“New Pakistan”) vision of revolutionizing his country’s domestic and foreign affairs, with it being expected that this will immensely boost its tourism industry and facilitate the clinching of international business deals along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The future influx of tourists to Pakistan’s world-renowned mountains and beaches will help to dispel the country’s negative reputation that was manipulatively cultivated by the US and India as part of their years-long infowar on it, powerfully proving that Pakistan has been deliberately misportrayed this entire time and prompting people to question what else the Western Mainstream Media is lying about when it comes to the South Asian state.

As for the business angle of this decision, Pakistan can greatly speed up the time that it takes for it to actualize its geopolitical destiny as the “Zipper of Eurasia” in utilizing CPEC as a platform for supercontinental integration, which can ultimately culminate in it becoming the “Convergence of Civilizations” by bringing together the diverse interests of China, Central Asia, Russia, Turkey, Iran, the Arabs, and Africa and counteracting the US’ “Clash of Civilizations” stratagem.

The most immediate impact of PM Khan’s move, however, is that people will be able to see that Azad Kashmir (“Free Kashmir”) is truly free and not “Pakistan-occupied” like India falsely alleges, which can importantly help the country contradict one of the most malicious myths spread about it since independence because the rest of the world will be able to see with their own eyes that the population there doesn’t behave like their counterparts across the Line of Control.

The part of Kashmir under India’s control can legitimately be described as Indian-occupied because of how much the population is fiercely resisting New Delhi’s “authority” in response to the rampant abuses that the state regularly carries out against them, which it actually goes to great lengths to suppress by shutting down the internet and assassinating activists in cold blood, to say nothing of barring most foreigners (and especially journalists) from the region for “security purposes”.

Altogether, the grand strategic impact of “Naya Pakistan’s” visa liberalization law is that the country is confidently opening up to the outside world in order to bring regular folks, businesspeople, and ultimately even entire civilizations together on its territory, which will showcase its recent socio-economic and security successes while simultaneously having a powerful effect in reshaping international perceptions, especially when it comes to Kashmir because of how much Pakistan’s transparency contrasts with India’s secrecy.


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This article was originally published on Eurasia Future.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.
