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Too soft for hero? Modi hints India has power to CHANGE MEANING of pilot’s name freed by Pakistan

3-3-2019 < RT 80 402 words

Abhinandan, the name of an air force pilot who became a national hero in India, is Sanskrit for “welcome,” but it isn’t good enough for the Indian premier, who decided to find another meaning because… the world is watching.

“The world takes note of what India does... India has the strength to change the meaning of words in the dictionary,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi proclaimed on Saturday, apparently referring to Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, who was shot down, captured and later released by Pakistan.

Going further, Modi said ‘Abhinandan’ translates into English as ‘welcome,’ adding that the meaning – probably too soft for a courageous military pilot who withstood the perils of Pakistani captivity – “will change.” He didn’t say how the name should now be translated, perhaps leaving Indian patriots with no choice but to flip through their dictionaries.

The air force pilot has been given warm welcome since he returned home on Friday. Cheering crowds equipped with national flags, patriotic banners and photographs of Varthaman lined the road leading from the Wagah border crossing, where the prisoner-turned-hero was handed over to Indian authorities.

His fame went far beyond the colorful homecoming ceremony, however. Varthaman’s fierce mustache has already added heroic flavor his image, while enterprising Bollywood producers rushed to apply for rights to use the name ‘Abhinandan.’

A possible film is likely to be based on the India-Pakistan aerial skirmish in which the pilot was shot down. 

Also on Pakistan hands over captured air force pilot to India

Varthaman’s aircraft, an upgraded version of the vintage MiG-21 fighter, was shot down during a dogfight over Kashmir earlier this week. He ejected from the damaged plane but landed in the Pakistani-held part of the region.

During the course of this week, a host of Indian politicians, media figures, celebrities and concerned citizens have been praising Varthaman’s conduct and, surprisingly, the way he was treated by Pakistanis. Critics, however, argued that loss of the plane could have been prevented.

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