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Infowars’ Owen Shroyer, Banned From YouTube, Facebook, Preparing For Possible Twitter Ban Next

10-3-2019 < SGT Report 62 545 words

by Tom Pappert, Big League Politics:

“War Room” host Owen Shroyer is preparing himself for a total ban from all social media as he plans to go live tonight at a music festival attended by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Shroyer went live on Twitter in a live stream explaining his recent series of bans that has left him with his Twitter account as his sole remaining presence on any form of social media, and warning his followers that a live stream he plans later today could mean the end of his presence on the platform.

Speaking to Big League Politics, Shroyer explained that his radio, television and web show “War Room” was banned from YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter over the course of the last year, and now his personal Facebook account has been terminated as well, all without an explanation.

Now, Shroyer is forced to either buckle under the Big Tech censors’ wishes for him to remain silent and stop producing viral content, or risk losing the personal Twitter account he made in 2011. Rather than submit, Shroyer plans to broadcast live to Twitter tonight, and to interview attendees of the popular music festival South By Southwest, where Ocasio-Cortez is holding an event nearby.

“I have been avoiding doing the live streams because I’ve been protecting my Twitter account,” Shroyer said, “But I’m not going to silence myself.”

“This could be my last night, I could have the full Alex Jones treatment.”

Shroyer also added that he has never been informed what he did to deserve a ban by the Big Tech Giants, leaving him to infer that simply being a friend and employee of Infowars’ Alex Jones is enough to deserve a ban.

“They don’t even bother giving me an excuse,” said Shroyer, “But it seems like through absorbing information, what seems to trigger them the most is stuff on illegal immigration, stuff on transsexuals, and stuff on vaccines.”

“Those seem to be the hot button issues.”

While he would prefer not to be censored at the hands of the Silicon Valley overlords, Shroyer insisted that his message will continue to be spread through the Infowars website and his radio and TV affiliates, where he is live daily from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., and that if Twitter now chooses to censor him, their attempt to silence his voice will ultimately be unsuccessful.

“At the end of the day, I’m okay with just having, and having my three hours there a day. I have a big enough audience, and I know that I’ll always have that platform at the Infowars headquarters,” said Shroyer, “I just want people to know I’m there.”

Shroyer’s fears of a potential Twitter ban comes less than a week after the platform’s chief censor was exposed as a radical left wing ideologue who allies herself with the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Women’s March, Shaun King, Buzzfeed, the ACLU, and dozens of other far-left media individuals and organizations.

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