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14-3-2019 < SGT Report 14 913 words

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Well folks, the “good” people at the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency (DARPA) are at it again, and I come away from this article, shared by Ms. M.W., with the sinking feeling that “they” may have finally done “it”, “it” in this case being to miniaturize electroshock therapy and permanently implant it on a chip, to modify “mood”. Here’s the article:

AI-controlled brain implants for mood disorders tested in people

I suspect that regular readers here already know which paragraphs from this article caught my eye, but just for the record, they are these:

Brain implants that deliver electrical pulses tuned to a person’s feelings and behaviour are being tested in people for the first time. Two teams funded by the US military’s research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), have begun preliminary trials of ‘closed-loop’ brain implants that use algorithms to detect patterns associated with mood disorders. These devices can shock the brain back to a healthy state without input from a physician.

The general approach — using a brain implant to deliver electric pulses that alter neural activity — is known as deep-brain stimulation. It is used to treat movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, but has been less successful when tested against mood disorders. Early evidence suggested that constant stimulation of certain brain regions could ease chronic depression, but a major study involving 90 people with depression found no improvement after a year of treatment.1

Oh, how wonderful, it’s all being done to help people with “mood disorders” and, oh, by the way, epilepsy:

The groups are developing their technologies in experiments with people with epilepsy who already have electrodes implanted in their brains to track their seizures. The researchers can use these electrodes to record what happens as they stimulate the brain intermittently ― rather than constantly, as with older implants.

And as part of these wonderful “health benefits,” they’re also developing a variation on what I called “electro-encephalographic dictionaries” in my previous book Microcosm and Medium. These are, quite literally, dictionaries of brainwaves associated with particular words, which, by monitoring brainwaves, allows people literally to “read the mind,” the interior conversation most of us have going on in our minds, and by some accounts, the reverse process is possible: by beaming the templates of these electro-encephalographic dictionaries, one can interfere with that internal conversation. Some researchers in the mind manipulation technologies call these types of devices “the voice of God” technologies, and I don’t think there’s any better way to describe it.

In the latest twist, this article makes it clear that they’re now experimenting with creating the emotional/mood equivalent of those “electro-encephalographic dictionaries:”

At the SfN meeting, electrical engineer Omid Sani of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles — who is working with Chang’s team — showed the first map of how mood is encoded in the brain over time…

The MGH team is taking a different approach. Rather than detecting a particular mood or mental illness, they want to map the brain activity associated with behaviours that are present in multiple disorders — such as difficulties with concentration and empathy. At the SfN meeting, they reported on tests of algorithms they developed to stimulate the brain when a person is distracted from a set task, such as matching images of numbers or identifying emotions on faces.

The researchers found that delivering electrical pulses to areas of the brain involved in decision-making and emotion significantly improved the performance of test participants. The team also mapped the brain activity that occurred when a person began failing or slowing at a set task because they were forgetful or distracted, and found they were able to reverse it with stimulation. (Emphasis added)

With that last sentence we arrive at an implicit admission of what the real agenda may be: the enhancement of human performance via the direct electrical stimulation of the brain. In effect, we’re looking at the latest “update” to notorious brain researcher Dr. Jose Delgado’s research. Lest any forget what the goal of his research was, it was the psychological control of society precisely through such technologies and their mass application.

As usual, all this is being “sold” as a good thing because of the health benefits to those suffering “mood disorders,” a fluid term that in the hands of a good Gramscian like Occasional Kotex could morph into anything one party finds “offensive.” Think only of those Soviet-era “re-education” camps, for make no mistake about it, if they can adjust the “mood” of epileptics and so one, they can adjust the “mood” of anyone. “Repeat after me: Socialism good, freedom bad.” Patient was non-responsive and dismissive of authority. Shock administered. Patient now compliant. I’m reminded of the observation of C.S. Lewis that when “re-education” supplanted justice, one of the consequences was that an open-ended process was substituted for one that had a definite end: punishment for crime could be taken so far, but no further. Re-education has no end, effectively, until compliance is gained; it’s a license to practice a kind of torture until the victim finally submits.

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