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12 HUGE Bombshells in One Week – But, “Nothing’s Happening?”

17-3-2019 < SGT Report 19 3086 words

by Corey Lynn, CoreysDigs:

Twelve HUGE, damning bombshells dropped this week, spinning this storm into high gear. From the Lisa Page transcripts to McCain’s connection to the dossier, a grand jury investigation into Facebook, massive NXIVM updates, Jeffrey Epstein back on the chopping block, and Andrew Weisman leaving special counsel. And, while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was preparing her audition for her role as a congresswoman for New York, Paul Ryan was sabotaging democrat subpoenas. Meanwhile, Hollywood’s being sliced and diced for paying off colleges and Ivy League Schools to get their children admitted. Of course, this is only the beginning of investigations into nefarious actions taking place in the upper echelons of colleges, and it’s safe to say, politicians will surely make the list.

Who could forget the terrorist training camp discovered in New Mexico last year, where they had loads of guns and ammunition, along with a deceased child? The court dismissed three of the five, creating one hell of a stir in this country. Now, there is a superseding indictment charging all five with conspiracy to attack and kill officers and employees of the United States, along with multiple other charges.

While Congressman Jim Jordan was busy calling out Adam Schiff in a twitter frenzy this week, the Democrats, along with 12 Republicans voted to block the President’s emergency at the southern border, which Trump immediately vetoed the following day, in his first veto as President.

But, “nothing’s happening,” right? Buckle up – this party is just getting started.

12 HUGE Bombshells   

#1 NXIVM Sex Cult Superseding Indictment & Nancy Salzman Plea Deal

It was a very telling week in the NXIVM case. For those still not familiar with this case, get familiar. There are a lot of top players involved, who connect with countless other big-league players, and it’s all about controlling the system, manipulating and blackmailing high-ranking individuals and corporations, as well as child sex trafficking and female adults being branded after sexual interactions with their harem “leader” Keith Raniere.

Some big updates dropped this week, and Nancy Salzman, NXIVM’s president pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering conspiracy, after agreeing to a plea deal. This plea deal comes with her cooperation with the federal government in this case, and she could also be facing up to 41 months in prison. Her sentencing will not take place until July 10th. She admitted in court that she obtained passwords and user names to monitor NXIVM enemies and members suspected of being moles.

Her daughter Laura Salzman is also charged in this case, and is facing up to 20-years in prison. Sadly, Nancy brought her daughter into the NXIVM life when she was just a child, and Laura, like her mother, were both part of his harem. She spent her adult life as a top leader for NXIVM, while awaiting Raniere to impregnate her, which never happened.

On Wednesday evening, following the guilty plea of Nancy Salzman, new allegations against Keith Raniere were announced in a superseding indictment by federal prosecutors. They allege that NXIVM had a smaller group known as DOS, where women extorted recruits into unpaid labor and sexual relationships with Raniere. They also accuse Raniere having sexual relations with two underage girls, one of which became his first-line slave in DOS. In addition, they allege he coerced a minor to “engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing one or more visual depictions of such conduct.” In other words, he produced child pornography.

Prosecutors claim they have communications between the girl and Raniere, as well as images. They also state that other defendants in the case “were aware of and facilitated Raniere’s sexual relationships with the two underage victims.”

There were four additional racketeering acts in the superseding indictment for Keith Raniere: one alleging visa fraud, one alleging possession of child pornography, and two alleging sexual exploitation of a child. Mack, Bronfman and Lauren also have one count of racketeering added to their charges.

Smallville actress Allison Mack, also has charges against her for sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud or coercion, conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of children by force, fraud, or coercion, and attempt to establish peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, and human trafficking.

Seagram’s heiress Clare Bronfman and Kathy Russell are also charged in this case, and future indictments of others may take place as the trial date nears. The NXIVM trial is scheduled to begin on April 29, 2019.

#2 Facbook Under Criminal Investigation

A New York grand jury has subpoenaed two well-known smartphone makers for records relating to this investigation. Federal prosecutors are investigating Facebook’s data sharing deals with large technology companies. Facebook had data-sharing arrangements with more than 150 companies which benefited both Facebook to gain more users, and the companies to gain access to users data.

Facebook was already being investigated nearly a year ago for the Cambridge Analytica scandal, whereby they obtained personal data of up to 87 million Americans. It seems the investigations have continued, and escalated.

#3 Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Hired Actress with Socialist Handlers

Mr. Reagan, published a video on social media, breaking down how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was one of many actresses auditioning for ‘Justice Democrats’ – an organization that recruits actresses to run for political positions, so they can fulfill their agenda. Titled ‘The Real Brains Behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,’ he reveals that Justice Democrats held auditions in 2017 for potential congressional candidates they wanted to run on their platform. They put out a casting call in 2016 and AOC’s brother submitted her for the “nomination”.

Alexandra Rojas, Executive Director for Justice Democrats conveyed that “they had received over 10,000 nominations, and out of those, they found Alexandria.” They don’t even try to hide this. AOC has no political background whatsoever. So, who’s running the show and pulling the strings for her social media platforms, interviews, and documents being drafted up?

AOC is a puppet congresswoman with dangerous handlers including Saikat Chakrabarti, and the mastermind behind it all – Cenk Uygur. This video is packed full of evidence, and anyone who has followed AOC can easily make these connections. Her staff has an extremely socialist agenda.

This video spread like wildfire, reaching over 1.5 millions views in under a week, as well as mainstream news. This is a MUST WATCH:

AOC’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti saw this video for himself and responded in a twitter thread, claiming that AOC writes her own speeches, controls her own social media, isn’t coached, and is a very intelligent woman who can talk about policy issues in depth for hours because “she really knows what she’s talking about.”

As Chakrabarti makes these claims, he is facing an FEC complaint filed against him alleging that he funneled nearly $1 million in contributions from political action committees that he established to private companies that he also controlled.

#4 Ex-FBI Lisa Page’s Revealing Transcripts Released

The House Judiciary Committee Republicans released 205 pages of transcripts from Ex-FBI attorney Lisa Page’s closed-door interview last year. Social media platforms quickly propagated with numerous discrepancies between her testimony and others who had testified, throwing timelines into the wind, revealing a text that indicated there was an “insurance policy” against then-candidate Donald Trump. Her testimony also indicatedthe Obama administration’s role in letting Hillary Clinton off the hook for her alleged handling of classified information.

What’s most interesting, is her statement in the transcript regarding agents also criticizing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as reported by the Washington Post.

“Many of us in law enforcement dislike the subject of our investigations. We are not keen on pedophiles and fraudsters and spies and human traffickers. That is fine. What would be impermissible is to take that harsh language and to act in some way that was illegal or against the rules. And we don’t do it.”

Even president Trump chimed in on the release, and added, “Much more to come!” – leaving many hopeful that additional declassified documents will drop soon.

The just revealed FBI Agent Lisa Page transcripts make the Obama Justice Department look exactly like it was, a broken and corrupt machine. Hopefully, justice will finally be served. Much more to come!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 13, 2019

#5 Late Senator McCain’s Role in Spygate Scandal

Jeff Carlson, a journalist for Epoch Times, dropped a doozy of a report on Friday regarding David Kramer’s unsealed deposition, who is a longtime associate of the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz). Kramer had contact with at least 14 members of the media regarding the Steele dossier (unverified allegations against Donald Trump during his campaign).

Carlson took to twitter to lay out the timeline from his report, indicating McCain’s ties, as well as others.

Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) March 15, 2019:

David Kramer provided updates to Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, former MI6 spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, and other members of the media regarding McCain’s meeting with FBI Director James Comey. Kramer revealed he had contact with at least 14 members of the media regarding the Steele dossier. The contacts are included in the report. Kramer gave a full copy of the unverified dossier to National Security Council member Celeste Wallander, Rep. Adam Kinzinger and Speaker Paul Ryank’s CoS, Jonathan Burks. He confirmed he was BuzzFeed News’ source for the dossier that BuzzFeed published on January 10, 2017. McCain denied every providing a copy of the dossier to BuzzFeed.

Steele had produced a final memo dated December 13, 2016. According to UK court documents, Kramer, on behalf of McCain, had asked Steel to provide any further intelligence that he had gathered relating to “alleged Russian interference in the US Presidential election.” Notably, it appears it was this request from McCain that led Steele to produce this Dec. 13 memo. Although Kramer did not provide a date, he said he received the final Steele memo sometime after “Senator McCain had provided the dossier to Directory Comey.”

Kramer showed a copy of the dossier to BuzzFeed News reporter Ken Bensinger on December 29, 2016, during a meeting at the McCain Institute, which was closed for the holiday that entire week. Kramer testified that Bensinger “asked me if he could take photos of them on his–I assume it was an iPhone. I asked him not to. He said he was a slow reader, he wanted to read it. And so I said, you know, I got a phone call to make, and I had to go to the bathroom…”

On January 5, 2017, Obama held an undisclosed White House meeting to discuss the ICA – and the attached summation of the dossier – with National Security Advisor Susan Rice, FBI Directory James Comey, and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. The following day Comey then met with President-elect Trump to inform him of the dossier. Comey would only inform Trump of the “salacious” details contained within the dossier.

Shortly after Comey’s meeting with Trump, both the meeting and the existence of the dossier were leaked to CNN. Comey: “Media like CNN had them and were looking for a news hook. I said it was important that we not give them the excuse to write that the FBI had the material.

On January 10, 2017, CNN disclosed the existence of the dossier and Comey’s briefing. Immediately following the CNN story, BuzzFeed published the Steele dossier. When this happened, Kramer said, “I believe my words were ‘Holy shit.’” Kramer had been meeting with The Guardian’s Julian Borger when CNN reported on the dossier, and he quickly spoke with Steele, who “was shocked.”

The following day, January 11, 2017, Clapper issued a statement condemning the leaks – without revealing the fact that he was the source of the leak to CNN. In August 2017, CNN hired Clapper as its national security analyst.

#6 Federal Court Moves to Unseal Documents in Jeffrey Epstein Alleged Sex Trafficking Operation

On Monday, a federal court of appeals in New York gave multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his former partner Ghislaine Maxwell until March 19 to establish good cause as to why the documents from their prior case should remain sealed. If they fail to do so, the summary judgement and supporting documents will be made public. The court also reserved a ruling on additional documents in the civil case, which includes discovery materials.

Epstein was accused by more than 30  girls, most between the age of 13 and 16, of being lured to his mansion for sex acts. According to the Miami Herald, court and police records show that he then used those same girls to recruit more girls over a period of several years.

Just a few weeks ago, on February 22, a federal judge ruled that the deal made back in 2008 was illegal because former Miami U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta kept it from Epstein’s victims, which is in violation of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act. They concealed a plea agreement from more than 30 underage victims who had been sexually abused. In a 33-page opinion, Judge Marra said: “prosecutors not only violated the Crime Victims’ Rights Act by not informing the victims, they also misled the girls into believing that the FBI’s sex trafficking case against Epstein was still ongoing — when in fact, prosecutors had secretly closed it after sealing the plea bargain from the public record. Epstein worked in concert with others to obtain minors not only for his own sexual gratification, but also for the sexual gratification of others.”

This 2008 plea deal gave Epstein and an untold number of others who weren’t named, immunity from federal prosecution. This non-prosecution agreement is now a big focus of the Justice Department’s investigation.

#7 “Pitbull” Andrew Weissmann is Leaving Special Counsel

Thursday’s big story was that Mueller may be wrapping up his report, being as Weissmann will be stepping down. According to Sara Carter’s report, Weissmann was handpicked by Mueller to join the Special Counsel’s Office investigation into the alleged collusion and obstruction between Russia and Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016.

For anyone who has heard Defense Attorney Sidney Powell speak on Weissmann’s tactics, or read her book Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, it is quite evident that Weissmann needs to be investigated. Powell has stated that Weissmann destroyed evidence in the Arthur Anderson case. Despite this, Powell won the case against Weissmann in the Supreme Court, but only after they had destroyed the company’s reputation.

It seems Weissmann is a dirty player, and has been reported to the Department of Justice Inspector General and Senate Judiciary Committee, as well as reprimanded for withholding evidence, in past years. While on this special counsel for Mueller, he was directly involved with the prosecution of Paul Manafort.

As of Friday morning, Republican lawmakers requested documents, communications, and questions answered regarding both Weissman and his colleague DOJ prosecutor Zainab Ahmad. This is all due to Bruce Ohr’s testimony regarding the Russia Trump robe, where he testified that he had met with Weissmann and Ahmad in the summer of 2016 to alert them that the anti-Trump dossier had not been vetted and that Steele was extremely bias against Trump.

On March 1, lawmakers sent a 7-page letter to Attorney General William Barr requesting information about actions taken or not taken by Weissmann and Ahmad after they met with Ohr:

This development raises questions about the impartiality and independence of Weissmann and Ahmad as senior members of the Special Counsel investigation. We write to determine what steps both Weissmann and Ahmad took to apprise Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III and the Justice Department of their contacts with Ohr and the substance of those meetings before their assignment to the Special Counsel’s office.

According to NPR Weissmann is leaving to teach at New York University. With any luck, investigations will interrupt that endeavor.

Speaking of Mueller:

There is currently a book being sold on Amazon called ‘The Mueller Report,’ authored by Robert S. Mueller III, with a prologue written by Alan Dershowitz. It already boasts a “Best Seller” flag by Amazon, and is available for preorder with a release date of March 26, 2019. The Washington Post also has a book titled ‘The Mueller Report,’ authored by Rosalind S. Helderman and Matt Zapotosky, with a preorder release date of March 26, 2019 as well. Both are available at Target as well. Of course the New York Times couldn’t be left out, so they too have ‘The Mueller Report’ on preorder for March 26th  – yet their book only appears to be for sale at Target. Interesting.

The book authored by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller states the following on Amazon:

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