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Video Shows What an Innocent Black Woman Calling 911 in a Police State Looks Like

17-3-2019 < SGT Report 30 686 words

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

An innocent black woman called 911 to report she’d been threatened with a gun, so police showed up, attacked her and then brought her to jail.

Miami, FL — A Florida woman just learned the hard way what calling 911 in a police state can look like. While there are certainly police officers who will heroically rush in to stop dangerous situations, there are others who appear to get off on asserting their authority and hurting people. When Dyma Loving called 911 to report that she’d been assaulted with a deadly weapon, she received the latter.

On March 5, Loving and her friend Adrianna Green called 911 because a man allegedly brandished a shotgun and threatened them with it.

Naturally, Loving and Green are upset about being assaulted with a deadly weapon, so they are speaking a loudly. This loudness, however, is interpreted by one of the responding officers, Alejandro Giraldo, as a threat, so he moves in to assault the entirely innocent woman.

“Do not touch me,” Loving shouts as a second policeman, identified only as Officer Calderon, grabs her other arm. “Record this. Do not touch me.”

Loving is then shoved against the fence as Giraldo wraps the handcuffs around her neck and then slams her to the ground.

She had harmed no one.

“I wanted to call my kid,” Loving says as the other officers step in to support the original assault. “I just said I wanted to call my kid. My phone is dead. What do you not understand? I had a gun pointed in front of me and my kid is sick. I’m stressed out. I need to go call my children. I don’t understand.”

Loving is then yanked up to her feet and dragged off to the patrol car where Giraldo arrested her and charged her with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

According to NBC News:

Loving, who has three children, told NBC News during a phone interview Thursday that Giraldo allegedly told her she needed a mental evaluation before arresting her. She said she was taken to Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center in Miami and released after posting a $150 bond.

The incident report stated Loving was “acting belligerent and would not obey commands” as officers were investigating the initial call.

“As we tried to keep the parties involved separated, Ms. Loving became further upset, very irate, and uncooperative,” the report stated. “Ms. Loving began to scream at us causing a scene.”

Giraldo then describes the actions of Loving, which are seen in the video below, as “violent,” despite not being violent at all.

Luckily for Loving, however, there was video showing what really happened and that video was posted to social media.

Upon seeing the video, Miami-Dade Police Director Juan J. Perez called it “deeply troubling” and suspended Giraldo.

“Upon becoming aware of the video posted on social media, an immediate inquiry was initiated which resulted in the involved officer being relieved of duty and of his role as a field training officer,” Perez said. “An investigation into the entire incident is currently ongoing and upon its conclusion, I will hold those that violated any of our policies and/or procedures accountable for their actions or lack thereof.”

Hopefully, all the bogus charges brought against loving will now be dropped.

Below is a video showing what calling 911 in a police state can look like if you are an innocent black woman.

As TFTP frequently reports, not only is it a crap shoot to call 911, but it’s a terribly rigged craps game in which the house almost always wins – and you lose.

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