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29-3-2019 < SGT Report 57 965 words

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

******n it, I said STOP you cocksucking evil pieces of ****.

Sources tell Fox News that Republicans are worried they would be blamed if the law is ruled unconstitutional, a decision that would create an immediate vacuum in the American health care system and toss millions of people off health care plans because of pre-existing conditions.

“It will destroy the infrastructure of health care in this country,” said Rep. Donna Shalala, D-Fla., who served for eight years as President Clinton’s Health and Human Services Secretary. “It would be a disaster for 100,000 people in my district.”

You cannot insure something that has already happened and I’m tired of this lie.  Every single politician and media personality that runs that bullcrap deserves to be indicted, tried and hanged.

What you can do, and what Obamacare did, was to force those who are not sick to pay for the treatment of those who already are at gunpointincluding both those who got ill by random chance and no fault of their own as well as those who are ill as a reasonably-expected outcome of their own voluntary adult decisions.

The basic law of business balance says nobody works for free.

You can’t violate that law; it’s not something someone passes or doesn’t, or that a government can choose whether it wishes to enforce same or not.  It just is exactly as day follows night and you can’t change it no matter what you do.  Since nobody works for free the least expensive means of providing health care to someone who is already ill and thus requires it (that is, the need is not speculative) is for them to directly negotiate and contract with a given health care provider or source of whatever they need (e.g. a prescription drug) and buy it with cash.

Any further involvement by anyone in any form or fashion makes it more expensive.  You cannot change this; it’s an immutable fact.  You can voluntarily engage in a higher cost of transacting (e.g. use a credit card where the merchant pays a discount fee and the customer in some cases pays interest) but in that case everyone knows it’s more expensive and elects to do so anyway.

If you ever think you found a situation where this is not the case then someone is stealing via some mechanism — whether an unlawful (felonious) monopoly, government force or some deceptive scheme which is, at its core, a lie and thus a fraud since the definition of a fraud is a lie or concealment of material facts that disadvantages someone for another person’s financial benefit.

Insurance is something you buy (and intentionally pay more, in aggregate when everyone adds it all up) that pays for an unlikely event that hasn’t happened yet.  It is, in relative terms, inexpensive because the event is both unlikely and hasn’t yet happened.  You can’t buy fire insurance on your house if the house is already on fire because the price of the insurance would be the cost of rebuilding the house plus a profit for the insurance company and you’d be an idiot to pay that amount — it will always be cheaper to just fork up the cost of rebuilding.  As a result you can’t buy such a product since it’s unmarketable; nobody would ever voluntarily buy such a thing.

If you force an insurance company to write fire insurance on buildings that are already on fire then everyone’s fire insurance cost is going to skyrocket.  This sort of nonsense is not only stupid its felonious because the only way you can get anyone to agree to such an insanity is to threaten to kidnap or shoot them if they don’t comply.

That treating whatever is already wrong with you is expensive is the real problem.  Addressing that problem means breaking the medical monopolies — all of them — and, if necessary, putting those who commit that crime (it’s a felony according to 15 USC Chapter 1) in prison.

At least three out of four dollars spent in health care in our economy today is stolen via these monopolies and related offenses.  The likely real number is in excess of 80%.  That something is too expensive for a person to afford does not give you license to steal it from someone else; that’s theft, and, to the extent you try to enforce that theft with the threat of force the people who you steal it from are legitimately entitled under both the law and common sense to stop you, employing whatever level of force is necessary to do so.

Politicians who try to recast this problem as some sort of “moral obligation” — that is, a claim that you have an obligation to lie down and let people steal from you instead of addressing the fact that technology always, over time, makes things cheaper of like kind and quality — that’s the definition of productivity — are doing nothing more than putting a gun in your face to back up their lies so that the medical and pharmaceutical companies can steal even more.

There’s a name for that — in the law it’s called extortion and when undertaken by an organized group or set of groups the law calls it racketeering.

This horsecrap has ratcheted up the cost of health care as a percentage of the economy by roughly 500% over the last 40 years.  As the population grows so does the economy and no, it’s not that Americans are “getting older.”  The reason that this is the case is that (1) fraud and felony have driven prices to the moon and (2) since those who are using and need health care can steal it from others at gunpoint via the government the people have little or no motivation to hold those who are committing those frauds and felonies to account.  As a result they steal at least $3 trillion dollars a year in the United States alone!

THIS CRAP MUST STOP AND IT MUST STOP NOW because at the rate of growth it currently is displaying it will bankrupt the Federal Government, State Governments and local governments never mind the people generally.

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