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Twitter liberals blast Trump for retweeting ‘white power’ emoji. Because 2019

5-5-2019 < RT 39 429 words

After President Donald Trump retweeted a slew of posts from right-wingers banned from Facebook, Twitter’s moral majority were outraged – accusing the president of spreading white supremacist messages...with emojis.

Facebook and subsidiary Instagram banned a host of right-wing and conservative voices on Thursday, calling them “dangerous” “extremists.” President Trump gave the blacklisted conservatives a show of support on Saturday, retweeting some of their content to his 60 million followers.

Twitter liberals were appalled. Among the accounts Trump retweeted were Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson, a conspiracy-heavy ‘Qanon’ account called ‘Deep State Exposed,’ and Rebel Media’s Lauren Southern.

Also on Trump defends Facebook banned ‘extremists,’ attacks ‘radical left-wing’ media

“There have been many low moment (sic) in the Trump  presidency,” liberal pamphleteer Judd Legum wrote, “His conduct on Twitter this AM may be the worst.” Legum evidently considered retweeting conservatives a lower point that threatening Iran with war via tweet, or blasting Syria with cruise missiles.

Trump’s decision to retweet Lauren Southern angered the mob the most. Like many on the right, Southern has often been pilloried for wrongthink, with her anti-immigrant polemics and documentary focusing on South Africa’s controversial land-reform movement earning her the label of the internet’s prettiest white supremacist.

The tweet in question from Southern was a tame one, warning establishment conservatives that they’d be next to face social media bans if they don’t speak up. However, Southern ended her tweet with the “okay” hand gesture emoji, a symbol that, because nothing makes sense any more, now means “white power.”
