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BREAKING: U.S. Embassy Staff Told to Leave Iraq as War Rhetoric Aimed at Iran Intensifies

15-5-2019 < 21st Century Wire 70 327 words

US Embassy compound in Baghdad housing dome 10,000 staff (Image: Wikicommons)

According to reports tonight, the Trump Administration has signaled a partial withdrawal of diplomats and non-essential staff from its embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, following what it claims are heightened threats from Iran and supposed “Tehran-backed” Shiite militias. The State Department ordered a partial evacuation of the embassy, responding to what the Trump administration claims to be another said batch of ‘intelligence’ blaming Iran for an attack which hasn’t yet happened.

This follows what appeared to be a failed false flag attack by the US-Israel axis earlier in the week, whereby four oil tankers, including two Saudi vessels, were struck by some unknown assailant, but which was quickly blamed on Iran by an unnamed member of a US military ‘investigation team’ which was sent to quickly dispatched to investigate the incident at Fujara Post in the UAE. Before that, US agencies were claiming they had information of an impending attack by Iran which turned out to be an Israeli ‘intelligence’ flurry seized upon by Trump Administration. As it turns out, the intelligence was wildly over-hyped and emanating from Israel.

Renewed hostilities also come one year after the US withdrawal of the JCPOA “Iran Nuclear Deal’, followed by relentless aggressive economic warfare waged by the Trump Administration. Last week saw a series of unprovoked threats against Iran by Trump National Security Advisor, John Bolton. This also happen to coincide with Iranian leadership announcing they were giving the Europeans 60 days to return to the JCPOA negotiation table which the U.S. left one year ago under the direction of Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

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