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Obama’s Top FBI Lawyer Says He Was Always ‘Skeptical’ About Russia Dossier

20-5-2019 < No Fake News 103 572 words
Obama's top attorney to the FBI says he was skeptical about the Russia dossier in 2016

Obama’s top FBI Lawyer James Baker has admitted he was always skeptical about the veracity of the Steele dossier when the agency received it prior to the 2016 US election.

“It was more information that we viewed, that I viewed, skeptically from the outset, and I was concerned about it and had a jaundiced eye, or looked at it with a jaundiced eye right from the outset,” Baker told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd on Friday, adding “Steele was and had been a source that we thought was reliable. He’s reporting all this information. It looks alarming. We took it seriously, but we tried to vet it.” reports: The dossier – a collection of memos compiled by an ex-British spy funded by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the DNC – was used by the FBI to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. Steele alleged that Page provided the Trump campaign a Kremlin backchannel during the election.

Baker also told Todd that he thinks the FISA warrants against Page would have been granted without the dossier, and took a pregnant pause when asked if the dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants on other people – saying “I don’t think I should comment on that, I’m not sure what else the government has confirmed,” and adding “I don’t want to confirm or deny anything about other potential FISA applications.”

Meanwhile, Obama’s former intel chiefs are at odds over who exactly pushed the dossier.

According to Fox News, an email chain exists which indicates that Comey told bureau subordinates that Brennan insisted on the dossier’s inclusion in the intelligence community assessment (ICA) on Russian interference. Also interesting is that the dossier was referred to as “crown material” in the emails – a possible reference to the fact that Steele is a former British spy.

In a statement to Fox, however, a former CIA official “put the blame squarely on Comey.”

Comey, meanwhile, has attacked Attorney General William Barr for investigating him, tweeting on Friday “The AG should stop sliming his own Department. If there are bad facts, show us, or search for them professionally and then tell us what you found.”
