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INTERVIEW: Robert Stuart on Exposing BBC Faux ‘Documentary’ on Syria

25-5-2019 < 21st Century Wire 33 206 words

In today’s corporate mainstream media, war propaganda frequently masquerades as ‘news’. These productions are often laundered through some of the world’s most famous and reputable media brands. But when directly challenged over such practices, the establishment media will first react with denial, followed by ad hominem attacks and smears against those raising the alarm. This is the story of one person’s journey in exposing one of the most shocking cases of propaganda.

SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen speaks to independent researcher, Robert Stuart, about his new crowdfunding project which expose BBC Panorama’s dubious ‘documentary’ from Syria broadcast in August 2013 entitled, “Saving Syria’s Children“. The project is being fronted by noted British actor and filmmaker Kieth Allen, with the aim of holding the BBC to account for what might be one of the most egregious war propaganda productions ever aired on mainstream media. Listen:

See their project here:

See Robert’s research in full here:

READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files

