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US Policy Toward Iran Is All About Regime Change

27-5-2019 < Global Research 37 765 words

There’s no ambiguity about longstanding US policy toward the Islamic Republic since its 1979 revolution.

Trump, Pompeo, Bolton, and their subordinates are more hostile toward the country than any of their predecessors. Their actions toward Iran speak for themselves.

They’re going all out to topple its government, so far short of war that’s unlikely in my judgment because of the world community opposition, but very much possible if other tactics fail.

Trump earlier warned Iran’s leadership, tweeting: “TIME FOR CHANGE.” Bolton earlier said “(o)ur goal should be regime change in Iran” — war his favored strategy.

His appointment as national security advisor was and remains a virtual declaration of war on the Islamic Republic. The same goes for Pompeo.

Earlier he said the strongest sanctions in history will stay imposed on the country unless it complies with outrageous US demands no responsible leadership would accept.

The Trump regime’s Iran Action Group (IAG), formed in August last year, is all about toppling its government — headed by State Department policy planning director Brian Hook, serving in the same capacity as Elliott Abrams on Venezuela.

Longstanding plans call for returning both countries to US client state status, along with gaining control over their huge energy reserves.

Something similar to the Iran Action group is in play against Venezuela. Tactics include sanctions aiming to crush their economies, wanting normal economic, financial, trade, and other relations with other countries undermined, along with efforts to destabilize them by orchestrating internal unrest — what color revolutions and old-fashioned coups are all about.

Bolton reportedly asked the Pentagon to prepare plans for war on Iran and Venezuela, his favored strategy against nations on his target list for regime change.

On the anniversary of Trump’s unlawful pullout from the JCPOA nuclear deal, Pompeo turned truth on its head, saying the action aims “to end Iran’s (nonexistent) destabilizing behavior and prevent Iran from ever acquiring a nuclear weapon” — it abhors, doesn’t seek, and wants eliminated everywhere.

On Monday during a visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo, Trump turned truth on its head about his aims toward Iran, saying: “We are not looking for regime change. I just wanna make that clear,” adding he thinks “we’ll make a deal” with Tehran.

Islamic Republic ruling authorities rule out talks with Trump, on Sunday Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araqchi, saying the following:

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to establish balanced and constructive relations with all countries in the Persian Gulf region based on mutual respect and interests,” adding:

His government rejects direct or indirect talks with Trump regime officials. On the same day, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Moussav rejected “direct or indirect talks between Iran and the US.”

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called reports about Iran seeking to negotiate with Trump regime officials “mere lies,” adding:

“The actions that it is taking are aimed at defeating the Iranian nation,” wanting it returned to its pre-1979 revolution status.

Last week Rouhani said he “favor(s) negotiation and diplomacy, but do not approve of it under the current circumstances at all.”

On Saturday during a joint press conference with his Iraqi counterpart Mohamed Ali Alhakim in Baghdad, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said his government offered to sign nonaggression agreements other Persian Gulf region countries, adding:

The US is unlawfully “bullying other countries into compliance with its unilateral measures” against Iran. After meeting with Iraqi President  Barham Salih on Saturday, he said cooperation between both countries aim to prevent regional war that could jeopardize the region’s security and stability.

Iran seeks peace, stability, and mutual cooperation with other nations, its aims polar opposite how the US, NATO, Israel, and their imperial partners operate.

As long as Trump regime hardliners continue waging economic, financial, and sanctions war on Iran, along with hostile rhetoric, saber-rattling, and wanting the JCPOA undermined, talks with its officials are futile, able to accomplish nothing.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Featured image is from Raialyoum
