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Democrat Gov. Newsom: Women Who Want Abortions Can Come to California

1-6-2019 < No Fake News 23 286 words
Gov. Newsom urges women who want abortions to come to California

Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom has invited women who want to have an abortion to come to California.

Newsom signed Friday what he named a “Proclamation on Reproductive Freedom.” According to Gov. Newsom, it reaffirms the state’s commitment to “protecting women’s reproductive choices” and welcomes women to the state to exercise that right.

CBS reports: Among other things, the proclamation talks about reproductive services already available to California women, including state-funded abortion services for low-income women.

The full text of the proclamation can be found here.

In a joint statement with Washington’s and Oregon’s governors, Newsom also stated that other states need to review their state’s laws on “reproductive freedom” and create laws that ensure those rights.

“In the absence of federal leadership on this issue, states must step up and put in place their own protections – both in statute and in their state constitutions, and through the expansion of family planning and education – to defend every American’s right to reproductive freedom,” write California Governor Gavin Newsom, Oregon Governor Kate Brown and Washington Governor Jay Inslee. “Roe is settled law, but newly enacted and clearly unconstitutional laws in a handful of states compel our states to act now to reaffirm longstanding commitments to safeguard the fundamental rights of women.”

The full text of that letter can be found here.
