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In-Q-Tel taps Forge.AI to monitor, predict impact of world events for govt agencies

7-6-2019 < Blacklisted News 40 263 words

The defense and intelligence community funding arm, In-Q-Tel, partners with Boston-based Forge.AI to make sense of publicly available data for government use.

“Forge is listening to the ecoystem of news, social media, websites, blogs and whatever we can from around the world”

As an investor that supports the US defense and intelligence communities, In-Q-Tel (IQT) will look to Forge.AI to leverage publicly available, text-heavy content – such as news reports, social media, financial reports, SEC filings — in order to predict probable outcomes.

Former Associate Director of Military Affairs for the CIA, Lieutenant General John Mulholland, Ret, who led special operations task forces in both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, will be joining Forge.AI’s board of advisors.

For the intelligence and defense communities Forge.AI will help them to better perceive and understand real-time changes in the world and predict the impact of those changes on key areas of interest.

“They’re trying to identify how history might inform future outcomes in a more scientific and mathematical fashion”

The Boston-based Data as a Service startup led by CEO Jim Crowley produces intelligent structured event feeds specifically designed for immediate use by data scientists, engineers, and intelligent machines.

Crowley tells The Sociable, “We’re really excited about the partnership with In-Q-Tel and the communities they represent.”

Essentially, what Forge.AI will provide to the defense and intelligence communities is a way of predicting the future — to a degree — through the contextualization of information and predicting probable outcomes.

