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YES, it's time for conservatives to stand their ground and start initiating citizens' arrests of Antifa terrorists

9-6-2019 < Natural News 28 715 words
Image: YES, it’s time for conservatives to stand their ground and start initiating citizens’ arrests of Antifa terrorists

(Natural News) We’ve been saying for more than a year now conservatives were going to someday get their fill of Antifa domestic terrorists bullying, attacking, and beating on them in public venues, and that day appears to have arrived.

A group of College Republicans made a ‘citizen’s arrest’ of a masked Antifa member after he attempted to lock them in a room at the University of Washington-Seattle earlier this week, according to The Gateway Pundit.

The alleged Antifa member, Ezra Benner, 18, was arrested for real by police and charged with disorderly conduct, the site noted. However, members of the College Republicans say they intend to press further charges against Benner for attempted unlawful imprisonment, which, in some states, can also be interpreted as attempted kidnapping — serious charges, indeed.

Writing for TGP, Cassandra Fairbanks noted further: 

The incident took place while the College Republicans were hosting a speaker from the Operation Cold Front YouTube channel. A local Antifa group had been calling for disruption of the event on Facebook, urging people to attend with whistles or other noise makers so they could drown out the speaker.

Because that’s what the Left does: It stifles debate, by force if necessary, so that only their ideas can be heard and only their policies implemented — just like Nazi Germany’s Brownshirts used to act or the Leninists in the old Soviet Union.

“A few days before the event, we received a tip that Antifa was calling for people to come disrupt the meeting, but we weren’t too worried about that since that type of thing happens all the time,” said UW College Republicans President Chevy Swanson in an interview with Campus Reform.

The college news site reported further that, according to a post from a group calling itself Emerald City Antifa, “there’s space for 100 or so people, but for those who show up, some useful tactics might [be] to sit in using large items that take up additional seats, maybe with headphones so you don’t have to hear their garbage, or noise demo tactics such as whistles to make it difficult from them to speak over.” Further, the post added, “if you’re able, show up to deplatform.” (Related: FBI probing armed far-Left Antifa plot to disrupt U.S.-Mexico border in attempt to spark anti-government rebellion.)

A serious incident required serious pushback

Again, because the Left doesn’t think anyone who disagrees with them should have a First Amendment right to speak and express themselves — even to the point of breaking the law and endangering people in the process.

After about 45 minutes into the College Republicans event, a masked man went to the main window and started to tie a chain around the door handles so he could lock attendees inside. Swanson saw what was happening and managed to force open the door before Benner could latch the chain and lock the doors.

“We’ve had a lot of incidents in the past. We’ve had members of our club assaulted. As soon as it happened, I realized what was going on. Chain on a metal door handle is a very distinct sound,” Swanson told Campus Reform. “We would have been locked in, so I decided that the best course of action was to jump up and push the door before he could lock us in.”

A group of attendees then chased Benner down and made what they deemed a citizen’s arrest. Benner was detained about five minutes before police arrived.

Oddly, Benner isn’t even a college student; KTTH reported that he attends a special high school class on campus. So he’s not even a full-grown Leftist yet. 

It’s past time for conservatives to stop taking these lunatics at face value. They don’t want discussions; they don’t want parity; they don’t want compromise; they don’t want debate.

They want to rule us. With an iron fist. And to punish those who disagree, including taking away their freedom. Or their lives. 

Read more about the rising threat from Antifa at and

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