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Google buries search results in escalating attack on all independent health, nutrition and vaccine information

26-6-2019 < Natural News 34 703 words
Image: Google buries search results in escalating attack on all independent health, nutrition and vaccine information

(Natural News) Yet another wildly popular source of science-based news and information about natural health,, has been targeted for elimination by the corrupt, Big Tech deep state.

Google, which recently implemented another one of its “broad core” search engine updates, has decided to arbitrarily remove from its search results – for no other reason than the fact that bravely tells the politically-incorrect truth about things like genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and vaccines.

Similar to what Facebook recently did to Natural News, Google took it upon itself to punish for daring to challenge the status quo on important topics that affect the lives and liberty of all Americans. is just the latest casualty in a massive censorship sweep that’s impacting all sorts of news outlets, including, which was recently blacklisted by Mailchimp for sharing “anti-vaccine content,” which the email newsletter service indicated it does “not allow.”

“The major industries colluding to take over the government and government agencies include banking, military, agriculture, pharma, media and Big Tech,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola, the man behind, about the many tentacles of this censorship beast and how they’ve slithered their way into many different positions of power.

“The leaders of these industries have organized strategies to buy off politicians through lobbying and to capture regulatory agencies through revolving door hiring strategies and paid-for media influence through advertising dollars.”

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The real fascists are the so-called “anti-fascists” trying to restrict all forms of speech that trigger them

Prior to these “updates,” was among the top search results for topics like “type 2 diabetes” and “heart disease,” offering searchers articles they actually wanted to read. Now, Wikipedia and other fake news pages have taken its place, just like what’s happening on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many other tech platforms.

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Back in the days before massive censorship, search results on Google were populated based on what users actually wanted to read. This is why ranked near the top on all sorts of topics ranging from nutrition to exercise to natural healing. But now that this crowdsourcing format has been replaced by fascism, the only way to access through Google is to actually type in “” along with your desired topic.

“Google is now manually lowering the ranking of undesirable content, largely based on Wikipedia’s assessment of the author or site,” Mercola explains. Consequently, Google traffic to “has plummeted by about 99% over the past few weeks.”

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has been sounding the alarm about this type of censorship for months, warning that it’s not just about controlling the narrative about politics. No, the ultimate endgame is to the control the narrative about everything.

Even though Americans are guaranteed the right to free speech under the First Amendment, tech giants like Google, which claim to be “anti-fascist” enterprises, are now engaging in fascism themselves as they seek to silence alternative viewpoints, just like authoritarian regimes have done all throughout history.

“When our voices are censored humanity loses and fascism wins,” Mercola warns, adding that Google began “by giving you everything you want so it can now take everything you have.”

“Google has become the ultimate puppet master, infecting people and manipulating them without even knowing it. Their true goal is to be in complete control of all of us, directing our behavior – and should we rebel, they also have partnered with the military to create drones utilizing artificial intelligence to ensure resistance will be defeated.”

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