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Google Deletes Videos Accusing It of Election Manipulation from YouTube… Which It Owns

26-6-2019 < SGT Report 54 211 words

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Google has removed a video which purported to show a Google exec claiming the tech giant was attempting to use its platform to decide the 2020 election.

Google’s video platform YouTube is apparently no place for content that accuses the tech giant of political bias and election meddling. An expose based on a sting operation was taken down by the company a day after its release.

The online behemoth found itself in the cross hairs of Project Veritas, a conservative action group that purports to expose pro-liberal biases at various American organizations through sting operations and by publishing leaked material. Its report on Monday claimed that Google deliberately tweaks its search algorithms to promote liberal agendas that it favors, and that this is intended to help “prevent the next Trump situation” in the upcoming elections.

YouTube, the world’s most popular video sharing platform, which is owned by Google, soon took down the videos that were uploaded by Project Veritas, its head James O’Keefe reported. The footage was removed “due to a privacy claim by a third party,” a message now tells anyone trying to view it.
