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Judicial Watch: Obama’s DOJ Granted Immunity to Hillary’s Lawyer Who Destroyed 33,000 Emails

30-6-2019 < No Fake News 22 329 words
Obama's DOJ granted immunity to Hillary Clinton lawyer who deleted 33,000 emails

Obama’s DOJ granted “immunity” to Hillary Clinton’s lawyer responsible for the destruction of over 33,000 emails during her time at the State Department, according to a new Judicial Watch report.

“Judicial Watch announced today that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s White House Liaison at the State Department, and later Clinton’s personal lawyer, Heather Samuelson, admitted under oath that she was granted immunity by the U.S. Department of Justice in June 2016,” the government watchdog group writes.

“Samuelson also revealed that, contrary to what she told the FBI in 2016, she was, in fact, aware that Sec. Clinton used a private email account while secretary of state,” the report also says.

Samuelson’s testimony is a part of a court-ordered discovery granted to Judicial Watch by Judge Royce Lamberth who called Hillary’s use of a private server “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”

Via Judicial Watch:

Samuelson: I was provided limited production immunity by the Department of Justice.

Judicial Watch: And when was that?

Samuelson: My recollection, it was June 2015 [later corrected to 2016]. reports: “The news that the Obama DOJ gave immunity to Heather Samuelson, Hillary Clinton’s lawyer responsible for the infamous deletion of 33,000 emails, further confirms the sham FBI/DOJ investigation of the Clinton email scandal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“And it is curious that Ms. Samuelson changed her story about what she knew and when about the Clinton email system. Attorney General Barr can’t reopen the Clinton email investigation fast enough.”
