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Puerto Rico’s Governor Goes AWOL As Protesters Gather Outside His Residence

22-7-2019 < SGT Report 28 390 words

by Alicia Luke, Freedom OutPost:

Puerto Rico’s Gov. Ricardo Rosselló goes AWOL as protesters gather outside his residence as US officials call to step down.

Democrats refuse to note that it’s this kind of local corruption that caused a lot of the problems behind the response to Hurricane Maria.

Puerto Rico one of the most deceitful corrupt places in the world.

Fox News:

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló official resident remains under siege as hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered this week outside the La Fortaleza that serves as the governor’s official residence.

Puerto Ricans are calling for Rosselló’s resignation after leaked online chats show him insulting women, political opponents and mocking victims of Hurricane Maria, one of the most devastating natural disasters to hit the island territory.

Amid the outcry, the media-friendly governor has avoided public appearances since July 11, making only four brief appearances, breaking from his usual three or four lengthy press conferences in addition to multiple media appearances.

A new wave of protests hit the island on Friday, with union workers marching towards La Fortaleza from the nearby waterfront. Horsebacks riders and hundreds of other people also joined the march. More

President Trump called out Puerto Rico as a cesspool of corruption a while back and the MSM went crazy calling Trump a racist. It’s like Trump has a crystal ball or something. Almost everything that Trump has said turns out to be true. The place is a corruption cesspool. They are a shining example of Democrat type policies.

They squandered the resources sent to aid their people. Much of the food was left to rot on a runway. Why are the Puerto Ricans ignoring the corrupt mayor of San Juan Carmen Yulín Cruz? 

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