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School district threatens to place children in foster care over unpaid lunches

22-7-2019 < Blacklisted News 13 167 words

A Pennsylvania school district that threatened to have children placed in foster care over their parents' unpaid lunch tabs is now facing criticism for going overboard.

The Wyoming Valley West School District sent letters last week to around 40 parents saying the district was owed around $22,476 in lunch money, warning that unless they paid their children could be "taken from your home and placed in foster care," according to Joseph Mut

In an interview with ABC News on Friday, Muth called the letter a mistake.

“The letter was over the top and should not have been sent out,” he said, though he suggested the district would look at other ways of getting repaid. He declined to say how the letter was approved in the first place.

He wasn't the only member of the district to express embarrassment. The board’s vice president, David Usavage, cringed when he saw the language of the letter, he told ABC Scranton affiliate WNEP.

