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The Grievances: A Demand for Accountability and Restoration

24-7-2019 < Activist Post 27 1090 words

By Janet Phelan

A document has surfaced which magnifies the double pronged concerns of 5G and the rampant chemicalization of the planet, concerns which generally focus not only on GMO foods and Roundup, but also on the inexplicable chemtrails crisscrossing our skies as well as toxicity in our drinking water and pharmaceuticals.

The document, entitled The Grievances, is an anonymous effort to summarize and present the experiences and plight of an expanding group of people who believe they have been specifically targeted with either excessive electronics or with excessive chemicals, for purposes of either weapons testing or punishment or even human trafficking, with a monetary gain offered to others for participation in assaulting their fellow citizens.

The Grievances explains targeting thus:

Targeting is a relatively new type of criminality that developed in the last half of the last century. Although targeting may sound like a plot in a Class B science fiction movie, victims know that it is very real. Logic dictates that if scientists are able to hurl satellites into the stratosphere and send space ships to the moon, they can also easily design devices and methods to strike human targets by remote.

The Grievances calls to mind another set of grievances, through which a fledgling nation declared the unacceptability of British rule and oppression and declared its autonomy. Skillfully and persuasively written, The Grievances provides a description of the various forms of targeting, a demographic of who the victims are (and according to The Grievances, the victims straddle all religious, ethnic and political groups), as well as describing the physical effects of targeting, which include somewhat minor annoyances such as tingling in the legs to more serious consequences, such as deafness and cardiac issues.

“Targeting is torture,” declares The Grievances. While enumerating the various international covenants banning torture, The Grievances notes that “The USA still has no laws against torture and non-consensual experimentation stemming from remote-delivered electronic assault, and with Congress protecting the status quo, no laws are likely forthcoming.”

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A number of grassroots groups have sprung up in an attempt to address the phenomenon of targeting. They include Targeted America, headed up by former NSA analyst Karen Melton Stewart and law student Jack Christiana, who also has a Master’s degree in Legal Studies and Hope Franklin, MBA, whose background includes research and finance in investment banking. Other groups, such as Citizens Against Harmful Technology, regularly host conference calls and send out newsletters to targeted individuals. Several websites, including and, are devoted to the issue of targeting. Public forums such as Facebook now feature a plethora of groups devoted to the issue of surveillance abuse and electronic attacks.

Several former intelligence agents have come forward to discuss the targeting issue, sometimes referred to as “surveillance abuse.” Former NSA Bill Binney and retired NSA Kirk Wiebe have been joined by ex-CIA Kevin Shipp in their condemnation of these practices.

The Grievances ends on a firm note. Having delineated the problem and demanded that the US honor the grievances and cease and desist in sponsoring or ignoring these assaults, The Grievances suggests that civil disobedience is the next likely step. It states that it “demands from the highest authorities an answer to our call for redress of our complaints. No longer will targets suffer in silence. The gloves are off!”

According to its anonymous author, The Grievances will shortly be distributed to various government entities, including the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the CIA and FBI and HHS, as well as to prominent cabinet members and to President Trump. Its author is also encouraging people to download the document and personally send it to local officials. For those wishing to do so, a warning: The Grievances makes mention of “bringing down the government.” Once upon a time, such words may have raised some eyebrows but would not have engendered a potential legal problem. However, the Supreme Court’s application of the First Amendment has become dicey these days, and such words may be seen as a threat at this juncture.

The Grievances is not yet publicly available. It should be up on a website called shortly, however.

Janet Phelan is an investigative journalist and author of the groundbreaking exposé, EXILE. Her articles previously appeared in such mainstream venues as the Los Angeles Times, Orange Coast Magazine, Long Beach Press Telegram, etc. In 2004, Janet “jumped ship” and now exclusively writes for independent media. She is also the author of two collections of poetry—The Hitler Poems and Held Captive. She resides abroad. You can follow her on Facebook here:

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