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On El Paso

4-8-2019 < SGT Report 27 865 words

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:


An armed man, wearing hearing protection, apparently walked into a WalMart and started shooting. The number of dead is unknown; there are reports of anywhere up to 18 dead and many more wounded, or 1 dead and 18 total shot.  As with all incidents of this sort so-called “eyewitness” reports tend to be unreliable.

There was a heavy police and other federal presence in the area, perhaps because Antifa claimed to be massing there for some sort of “event.” Odds are there’s no connection, but you never know.  However, it does certainly appear to have enhanced the speed of the cops’ response.

The city is right across the border from Juarez, Mexico.

The rifle, from surveillance footage, is an AK-47 copy — almost-certainly a semi-automatic one, but being that close to Mexico, who knows.  It may well have been a very illegal fully-automatic one (which can’t be sold here in the US.)  Nonetheless it’s definitely an AK-pattern rifle.

There is a “manifesto” that was posted to 8chan just before the attack.  I’ve got it.  It specifically identifies the weapon to be used.  The odds of that being a hoax, for this reason, are low.  If the ammunition proves up (it also goes into specific detail on the rounds he intended to use, and they are not the common “ball” ammunition you would buy for that gun to shoot at the range) then the odds of that being a hoax goes to an effective zero.

Don’t bet on that being disclosed, if it’s true.

But cut the crap on the “gun control” nonsense.  Just over the border, a few miles away, there are more guns than you can shake a stick at — everyone of them unregistered in America because they’re in Mexico.  Juarez is an insanely violent area, and it’s right there.  You want a gun and can’t pass a background check here, get it there.  93% of crimes go unreported in Juarez.  Without a real wall and enforceable border, what’s to stop you from bringing that gun here?  Hell, the Mexican you buy it from might have gotten it courtesy of Eric Holder, our former AG, who has never been held to account for running many guns into Mexico!

Every Demonscat on the planet has jumped on this demanding “more gun control” without even waiting for the bodies to reach room temperature.  Yeah, right.  You can blow me, lefties.  Your fantasy-land nonsense would prevent nothing.  Go look in Mexico; there is exactly one legal gun store in the entire country and it takes months to get paperwork processed to buy one.  Possession of even one firearm ir even one round of ammunition is good for a five year prison sentence there.

That does exactly zippo to prevent all those who want to murder from acquiring and using them in Juarez.

Since it is proved that just a few miles south the most-restrictive gun laws imaginable do exactly nothing to prevent hundreds of murders every year in that city alone no, I will not consent to any further infringement of the 2nd Amendment.  Anyone arguing for same can go **** a goat.

It gets worse.  Right here, in America.

The clearance rate (that is, the odds of getting arrested if you shoot someone) in Chicago is 9%.  In Atlanta, 12%.  In almost every other major city (Baltimore anyone?), it’s roughly the same.  Yeah, if you go insane and start shooting people in a WallyWorld en-masse you’re either going to jail and will get the needle or will just get shot where you stand.

But if you shoot people one at a time you have a ten percent chance of getting caught; 9 out of 10 times you get away with it.  I know people who were close with someone who got shot, the dead person was not a gang member or otherwise engaged in activity that typically gets you shot (he was an ordinary businessmanand the perpetrator has not been identified or arrested a full year later.

That is not uncommon.  In fact it’s not only common it’s a 90% probability if you get plugged in a major city right here, right now.

99% of the people in this nation are too stupid to hold their own dick in their hand and hit the urinal.  If they could, and that sort of statistic sunk in, the murder rate would be 100x what it is now and the clearance rate would be an effective zero.  Think about that long and hard folks — we’re one bad incident away from people waking up to the fact that right now, in virtually every major city in this country today you can walk up to someone at random, murder them, and you have a 90% chance of getting away with it.

If that doesn’t force your pea-sized brain awake long enough to realize that the cops are worthless in solving crimes and their best, highest and only calling is to zip your ass into a black bag and haul it away after you get killed then you are too stupid to deserve to be able to reproduce.  There is only one way to stop that sort of crap and that is for you to stop it, personally, if someone intends to whack you or someone you love.  To do that, especially if you’re not a 20 year old body-builder male, you’re going to need the only equalizing force ever invented by mankind and you better know how to use it too.

It’s called a gun.

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