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Italian PM Conte resigning amid tensions in coalition

20-8-2019 < RT 9 187 words

Published time: 20 Aug, 2019 14:01 Edited time: 20 Aug, 2019 14:15

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has resigned, after delivering a blistering attack on Vice Premier Matteo Salvini, who he said put his own interests ahead of Italy’s.

Conte said he would step down on Tuesday, following a move last week by Salvini, who also serves as interior minister, to back out of a ruling coalition, plunging Italy into political turmoil.

“Salvini's decision [to call time on the coalition] is serious, it has relevant consequences for the economic and social life of the country,” said Conte. 

Conte would formally submit his resignation to President Sergio Matarella later on Tuesday at the presidential residence.

