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Ghislaine Maxwell Spotted at In-N-Out Burger Reading Book About Deaths of CIA Operatives

20-8-2019 < Blacklisted News 13 145 words

Update: Maxwell Staged Photo


Book: The Book of Honor : The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives by Ted Gup

Via: New York Post:

Jeffrey Epstein’s former gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell isn’t holed up in her British manor or summering on the Massachusetts coast.

The Post found the socialite hiding in plain sight in the least likely place imaginable — a fast-food joint in Los Angeles.

Maxwell, 57, the alleged madam to the multimillionaire pedophile, was scarfing down a burger, fries and shake al fresco at an In-N-Out Burger on Monday while reading “The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives,” a nonfiction best seller by journalist Ted Gup.

Sitting alone with a pet pooch, she was surprised to be found and told an onlooker, “Well, I guess this is the last time I’ll be eating here!”
