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‘Windrush on steroids’: Corbyn slams UK home sec Patel’s plan to BLUNTLY end EU freedom of movement‘

20-8-2019 < RT 15 245 words

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has attacked UK Home Secretary Priti Patel for her “ludicrous” immigration plans that would see freedom of movement for EU nationals ending on October 31 in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

Corbyn, speaking at the Business and Technology Centre in Stevenage, urged Patel to “cut out the nonsense” and not impose restrictions on EU nationals living in Britain. He explained that the UK relies on EU citizens to maintain industries and public services, and so killing off freedom of movement so bluntly makes no sense.

Is this another Windrush on steroids? It is a ludicrous proposal.

Corbyn’s comments – referring to the major 2018 deportation scandal – echo concerns detailed in an internal UK government dossier which warns that implementing border restrictions overnight on October 31 could present “legitimate concerns of another Windrush.”

Also on Hard Brexit will hit UK with food, fuel & medicine shortages, leaked govt doc warns

The3million, a citizens group that represents the right of EU nationals living in the UK, has warned that the new immigration plans for a no-deal Brexit Britain were “reckless.”

However, a Home Office spokesperson defended the proposals, insisting that Patel “has been clear in her intention to take back control of our borders and end free movement after 31 October.”

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