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PROOF Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai knowingly LIED to Congress, which is a felony crime… when will tech CEOs be subjected to armed government raids?

20-8-2019 < SGT Report 11 554 words

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

We now have undeniable proof that Google has not only been blacklisting search terms and websites that get in the way of its leftist agenda, but also that Google executives like CEO Sundar Pichai have committed perjury by lying to Congress about it.

One of the latest exposés by Project Veritasreveals beyond a shadow of a doubt that Pichai has been “lying under oath” and “perjuring” himself before Congress, a fact that’s also corroborated by Dr. Robert Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology.

During a recent interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight, Epstein explained to hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak that what’s now come to light thanks to Project Veritas is much of the same information that he’s been trying to warn the public about for at least the past seven years.

“I told you so,” Epstein stated bluntly, adding that now-leaked documents prove that Google has been engaged in a conspiracy of “reranking … search results” and creating “blacklists” for “political” purposes. “All of this is about [politics],” Epstein reiterated.

Included in the set of documents released by Project Veritas is not just one, but two, blacklists: one for websites, and the other for search terms. But just a short while ago, Google’s leaders, including Pichai, claimed before Congress that it has never created blacklists, which is an obvious lie.

“They’ve also said over and over and over again in response to my research, ‘We never do reranking of search results,’” Epstein went on to explain. “These documents show beyond any doubt whatsoever that Google has teams that do reranking of search results. They actually use that term internally in the company.”

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Google has its own blacklisting system called “Twiddler” that manipulates website rankings and search results

Not only is Google actively censoring search results and websites, but the Silicon Valley giant has even gone so far as to create, and name, an entire system for doing this, known as “Twiddler.”

According to Epstein, Google has a “Twiddler Quickstart Guide” that explains how various teams at Google are able to access and utilize internal software to change how certain kinds of content get ranked, for instance.

“They literally rerank search results to meet their ever-changing needs, and some of those needs are political needs,” Epstein contends.

Believe it or not, Google also has a list called, “News Blacklist Site for Google Now” that, as of this writing, contains some 400 websites on it that Google has decided to target for censorship. Some of these, says Epstein, are “very recognizable names,” while others “you’ve never heard of.”

Among those websites that Google has decided to censor is Breitbart News, which is mentioned in at least four different Google documents as violating the company’s “hate policies.”

A leaked memo from a Google employee named Christine Kingsley, who also openly identifies as a feminist, reveals that Google looks at Breitbart News as promoting “extreme sexism,” which in Google’s collective “hive” mind means it has to be silenced at all costs.

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