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Damning JAMA Study Finds Link Between Fluoridated Water and Low IQ in Children

20-8-2019 < Blacklisted News 14 1735 words

(Support Free Thought) - Despite the overwhelming mass of scientific literature and studies showing the harmful effects of ingesting fluoride, those who question it or advocate for the cessation of fluoridated water are labeled as kooks, conspiracy theorists, and shouted down by the mainstream. And in spite of study after study showing the harmful effects of fluoridating water, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers water fluoridation to be one of the top 10 achievements in public health in the 20th century. Proving the utter insanity of such a claim by the CDC, a study was just published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, that links maternal fluoride expose during pregnancy and low IQ.

To be clear, this is not some fringe journal. The Journal of the American Medical Association is a peer-reviewed medical journal published 48 times a year by the American Medical Association who has extremely strict guidelines for publishing studies.

In this most recent publication, scientists in Canada found that “fluoride exposure during pregnancy was associated with lower IQ scores in children aged 3 to 4 years.”

Accepting studies which show the harmful effects of fluoride consumption are so controversial that JAMA had to issue a statement noting that publishing this study was in the best interest of public health.

This decision to publish this article was not easy. Given the nature of the findings and their potential implications, we subjected it to additional scrutiny for its methods and the presentation of its findings. The mission of the journal is to ensure that child health is optimized by bringing the best available evidence to the fore. Publishing it serves as testament to the fact that JAMA Pediatrics is committed to disseminating the best science based entirely on the rigor of the methods and the soundness of the hypotheses tested, regardless of how contentious the results may be.

As FOX10 explains, after adjusting for covariates, researchers found that a 1 mg/L increase in maternal urinary fluoride levels was associated with a 4.49-point lower FSIQ score in boys as well as with a 4.63-point lower PIQ in boys, but there was no statistically significant association with girls’ FSIQ or PIQ scores.

An extra 1-mg of daily fluoride intake via water and beverages among pregnant women was associated with a 3.66 lower FSIQ score in both boys and girls.

“Testing whether boys are potentially more vulnerable to neurocognitive effects associated with fluoride exposure requires further investigation, especially considering that boys have a higher prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD, learning disabilities, and intellectual disabilities,” the study authors said. “Adverse effects of early exposure to fluoride may manifest differently for girls and boys, as shown with other neurotoxicants.”

The scientists who conducted the study noted in their conclusion that the evidence is so strong they “indicate the possible need to reduce fluoride intake during pregnancy.”

Naturally, those who advocate for the mass involuntary medication of hundreds of millions of people are claiming the study is spurious and we should ignore it.

“The overwhelming body of evidence is still supporting water fluoridation,” said Matt Hopcraft, associate professor of dental public health at the University of Melbourne.

“Here’s a single study that points a little in the other direction. I think we just need to be cautious.”

But Hopcraft is wrong. There is more than one study showing the link between fluoride and low IQ.

Just two years ago, as TFTP reported, an eye-opening peer-reviewed study, published on September 19, 2017, in the Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives, found strong evidence of a link between fluoride and lower cognitive function in children.

Again, this was not some fringe journal. With an impact factor of 9.78, Environmental Health Perspectives is one of the most highly ranked journals in Toxicology, Public, Environmental and Occupational Health, and Environmental Sciences.

In that study, researchers found that “higher levels of maternal urinary fluoride during pregnancy (a proxy for prenatal fluoride exposure) that are in the range of levels of exposure in other general population samples of pregnant women as well as nonpregnant adults were associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the offspring at 4 and 6–12 y old,” according to the study.

The study involved 1,576 samples taken from over 300 sets of mothers and children in Mexico by a research team from Toronto. The researchers tested the children’s cognitive development twice over the course of 12 years. In Mexico, Fluoride is not added to public water supply, but people are exposed through naturally occurring fluoride in water, toothpaste, fluoridated salt and other supplemental products.

This is especially worrisome given the fact that fluoridated water is marketed to nursing mothers and babies.

The list goes on, however. A whopping 53 studies have linked fluoride ingestion with a reduction in IQ. A study out of the Harvard School of public Health concluded, “children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas.”

Even more independent studies have linked the associated health risks of fluoride to interfering with the endocrine system and increasing the risk of impaired brain function. Two studies in recent years, for example, have linked fluoridation to ADHD and underactive thyroid.

Dozens more studies show the ineffectiveness of fluoride ingestion in preventing dental caries; they actually show an increase in dental fluorosis instead of a reduction in decay.

Approximately 1.2 grams of sodium fluoride will kill an adult human being. That was the low estimate that Dominic Smith ingested when he died from an overdose of fluoridated water at Hooper Bay, Alaska on May 23, 1992. Approximately 200 mg will kill a small child.

In spite of this evidence showing that the mass drugging of the American population is harmful, the CDC and the EPA maintain that it is 100% safe and that drinking the extremely deadly byproducts of fertilizer production is just fine and dandy.

It is because of the government’s continued denial and dismissal of scientific evidence that the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) filed a landmark lawsuit in April of 2017. And no, FAN is not some ragtag group of conspiracy theorists sitting around in their basements reading fake science on the internet. The group is comprised of dozens of medical doctors, dentists, PhDs, and scientists, who’ve joined forces to bring an end to this most unethical and dangerous practice.

There is now a significant consensus happening in the scientific community noting that fluoride is, indeed, neurotoxic. For the EPA and CDC to dismiss scientific facts is not only irresponsible but it is now proving to be criminal. The EPA has even had scientists leave its ranks to report on the dangers of water fluoridation.

As FAN reports, some children in the U.S. may be consuming enough fluoridated water to reach doses of fluoride that have the potential to lower their IQ, according to a research team headed by William Hirzy, Ph.D., a former senior scientist at the EPA who specialized in risk assessment and published an important risk analysis in the journal Fluoride last year.

Hirzy explains the significance of this study:

“The significance of this peer reviewed risk analysis is that it indicates there may be no actual safe level of exposure to fluoride. Groups of children with lower exposures to fluoride were compared with groups having higher exposures. Those with higher exposures performed more poorly on IQ tests than those with lower exposures.

One well-conducted Chinese study indicated that children exposed to 1.4 mg/day had their IQ lowered by 5 IQ points. Current average mean daily intakes among children in the United States are estimated by EPA to range from about 0.80 mg/day to 1.65 mg/day. Fluoride may be similar to lead and mercury in having no threshold below which exposures may be considered safe.”

This most recent study and the dozens before it, show the fight against fluoride across the globe is winning. According to FAN, millions of citizens in hundreds of municipalities throughout the world have forced their governments to stop drugging them without consent using this toxic waste. It’s high time Americans shift into a higher gear and stop this forced medication.

Related Articles:

An influential medical journal published a study Monday that links fluoride consumption during pregnancy with lower childhood IQs—a finding that could undermine decades of public-health messaging, fire up conspiracy theorists, and alarm mothers-to-be.

A new study from the University of Toronto is shedding light on the impact that water fluoridation may have on rates of childhood ADHD. According to the study, there is an association between the levels of fluoride found in pregnant mothers and “ADHD-like symptoms” in the Children once they become school-age, around 6-12 years old. 

A federal court has denied an attempt by the Environmental Protection Agency to dismiss a lawsuit seeking to ban the use of fluoride under the Toxic Substances Control Act.

The Centers for Disease Control operates a website called “My Water’s Fluoride.”  On the home page it states:  “It is important to know the level of fluoride in your drinking water.  My Water’s Fluoride (MWF) allows consumers to learn about the fluoride level in their drinking water.”  However, the fluoride levels seen on the website are often false.  If a water system is adding fluoride to the tap water, a practice known as fluoridation, this website automatically assigns it a “default” fluoride level of 0.70mg/L regardless of what actual testing shows or what fluoride level the water system is trying to achieve.

Two damning studies on the effects of fluoride in our water have been released in the hope that people will wake up to this real problem. Researchers at the University of Kent are the latest establishment to have studied this growing problem. The extensive study involved them looking at data from nearly every single medical practice in England, and they found that fluoride may be increasing the risk for hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, a condition in which the thyroid gland fails to produce enough hormones, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, obesity and depression. The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, included the largest population ever to be analysed in relation to fluoride consumption.
