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Lindsey Graham to Meet with Attorney General Barr this Week to Discuss Rollout of SpyGate Docs

22-8-2019 < SGT Report 12 332 words

The senator said he wants the American people to see the 302s (transcripts of FBI interviews with witnesses), the full Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant applications taken out against former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, and the transcripts of the “confidential informants” who spoke with campaign aide George Papadopoulos.

“I want you to hear in real time that the guy said ‘I’m not working with the Russians. If I were, it would be a crime of treason,'” Graham said, referring to the exculpatory information that the FBI left off of their FISA application.

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Graham noted that the media will try its best to ignore the “damning and ugly” information when it comes out. “You’ll only find it on Fox. You may find it a little in the paper,” he predicted. “It will get ten percent of what the Mueller report got.”

He went on to suggest that investigators should start focusing on former president Obama if they want to get to the bottom of what happened.

“Here’s the question. It’s not what did Obama know and when did he know it? Who told him?” Graham asked. “And what did he do when he was told? I want to know who briefed the president about their counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign. When you find that person, you’re going to unravel the riddle here.”

He added: “Did they open up a counterintelligence investigation not to protect the country — but to get Trump?”

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Graham said that after DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report comes out on the Obama DOJ and FBI’s 2016 shenanigans, he will be calling those involved to testify before Congress, “so you can hear from them what happened.”
