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FBI: Wray is ‘Drinking the Kool Aid’ — M.I.A. Wray Missing at FBI HQ While Orchestrating Coverup of Spying on Trump

22-8-2019 < SGT Report 22 357 words

from True Pundit:

FBI Director Christopher Wray has been missing numerous top-level FBI meetings recently while working to keep much of the declassified FISA warrant releases as secret as possible, FBI insiders confirmed.

Wray’s whereabouts during key FBI meetings have been unknown by most subordinates and likewise hidden from the public but his deputies are running the show.

Wray is busy trying to keep as much of the upcoming declassified FISA materials shrouded in secrecy. Likewise, top FBI sources say Wray is also concerned with adding redactions to and deleting content from the Justice Department inspector general’s pending report on alleged surveillance abuses of the FBI against the Trump campaign.

“You will see a lot of redacted portions on all documents,” one FBI insider said. “He (Wray) is drinking the Kool Aid and in many ways is no better than Comey.”

That’s if such sensitive FBI documents do in fact ever see the light of day.

But make no mistake, Wray is busy behind the scenes fighting to keep as much of the contents hidden from Americans. And he is getting some help from the UK and other international law enforcement ‘partners’ who are applying pressure against the White House to keep the documents under wraps.

To keep their international roles in the spying coup shrouded as well.

Expect another watered-down IG report on FBI abuse and again, likely a watered-down declassification process. Wray is making sure of that, FBI insiders said.

So who is running the FBI while Wray is busy burrying its suspected crimes? Or does it even matter?

The growing sentiment in the intelligence community is Wray is merely a placeholding puppet for the politicized FBI bureacrats — many whom have been fired — who helped destroy the reputation of the FBI. And broke many laws in the process.

Wray has not made any sweeping reforms to improve the Bureau, which is in worse shape than when he took the job to supposedly fix it.

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