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Epstein cellmate claims guards threatened him, requests transfer

22-8-2019 < SGT Report 21 355 words

by Andrew West, Freedom OutPost:

The mystery surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s death in a Manhattan jail may never be fully understood.

The accused child sex trafficker was found dead just days ago in one of the nation’s most secure correctional facilities, in an incident being labeled a “suicide” by those involved.  The declaration immediately piqued the interest of observers, however, who believe that the circumstances surrounding the death of the world’s most infamous inmate are suspicious at best, nefarious at worst.

Now adding to those concerns are statements from Epstein’s former cellmate regarding his safety following the well-connected pedophile’s demise.

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An ex-cop facing the death penalty who briefly shared a cell with disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein asked a judge Tuesday to move him to a new facility, claiming guards threatened him inside a New York federal lockup.

Bruce Barket, an attorney for Nicholas Tartaglione, cited comments from Metropolitan Correction Center (MCC) guards telling his client to “shut up,” “stop talking” and “stop complaining,” in his letter to White Plains federal Judge Kenneth Karas.

“The clear message Mr. Tartaglione has received is that if he conveys information about the facility or about the recent suicide, there will be a price to pay,” Barket wrote. “Whether or not the investigators into the suicide chose to interview Mr. Tartaglione about the attempted suicide to which he was witness or about how the facility is run and the conditions under which the inmates are forced to live, the correction officers know he has information potentially very damaging to the very people now charged with guarding him or their coworkers.”

Had these claims come from Tartaglione alone, they would likely have been dismissed as a ploy to either garner attention or comfort as he awaits his fate.  The involvement of the incarcerated killer’s lawyer, however, adds yet another piece to the puzzle surrounding one of the decade’s most astounding events.

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