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29-8-2019 < SGT Report 13 368 words

from InfoWars:

Journalist believes home visit may have been intimidation tactic ahead of free speech event

Police were called after an unidentified person attempted to enter the home of former Vice journalist Tim Pool Thursday morning.

Pool was startled out of his sleep by a sound he heard around 4AM and was shocked to see someone outside his home.

“Someone just showed up to my house Wtf,” Pool posted to Twitter.

“About four hours ago I was greeted by a strange person who tried to break in,” Pool said in a video documenting the event, pointing to footage taken by his surveillance camera at 4:27 a.m.

The camera captures the sound of someone attempting to break inside the home.

Pool says he called police and when they arrived the person claimed to be a fan who’d traveled from Philadelphia to deliver the reporter an “important story.”

Turns out the cops found the guy. He was about a block away and they stopped him and they searched him. The dude claimed he was a big fan of news anchor extraordinaire Tim Pool, and that he walked here from Philadelphia, which is about 15 or 20 miles away, he took a bus from DC and then walked here across the bridge – which to the best of my understanding is not a pedestrian bridge – walked to my house at 4:30 in the morning and then as we believed at the time knocked on the door to try to share an important story.

Pool says he has reason to believe the person might have been an Antifa affiliate angry over a free speech event to be held this weekend in New Jersey.

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