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Cordyceps supplementation found to improve cell immunity in healthy adults

18-9-2019 < Natural News 9 494 words

Image: Cordyceps supplementation found to improve cell immunity in healthy adults

(Natural News) Researchers from South Korea investigated the efficacy of a Cordyceps mycelium (Paecilomyces hepiali) culture extract (CBG-CS-2) in enhancing the immune system and evaluated its safety in healthy adults. The results of their study were published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

  • Cordyceps is an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is known for its various biological activities, which include immune-enhancing effects.

  • For their study, the researchers prepared CBG-CS-2 to confirm its effects on the immune system. They recruited 79 adults and divided them into two groups: 39 adults comprised the intervention group, while 40 adults comprised the control group.

  • The intervention group received 1.68 grams per day of CBG-CS-2 in capsule form for eight weeks.

  • The researchers assessed the activities of natural killer (NK) cells and the serum levels of monocyte-derived mediators before the treatment and after eight weeks.

  • They reported that, compared with the control group, the intervention group showed a significant enhancement of NK cell cytotoxic activity after eight weeks of treatment. This confirmed the positive effects of CBG-CS-2 supplementation on immune function.

Based on their findings, the researchers concluded that the immune system functions well with CBG-CS-2 supplementation and that the cordyceps extract is a safe and effective way of enhancing cell-mediated immunity in healthy adults.

Read the full article at this link.

Journal Reference:

Jung SJ, Jung ES, Choi EK, Sin HS, Ha KC, Chae SW. IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF A MYCELIUM EXTRACT OF CORDYCEPS (PAECILOMYCES HEPIALI; CBG-CS-2): A RANDOMIZED AND DOUBLE-BLIND CLINICAL TRIAL. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 29 March 2019;19(1). DOI: 10.1186/s12906-019-2483-y

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