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Florida Officer Suspended After Arresting Two 6 Year Old Children

23-9-2019 < No Fake News 9 310 words

A Florida police officer has been suspended and is being investigated after he arrested two 6-year-old children for separate incidents at their schools

Orlando Police clarified on Monday that both children were 6 after initially describing one of them as 8 years old.

Press TV reports: Channel 9 spoke to one of the children’s grandmothers who said her 6-year-old granddaughter was arrested after she had a temper tantrum.

Meralyn Kirkland said her granddaughter was arrested because she reportedly kicked a staff member during a temper tantrum.

Kirkland said the school knows her granddaughter can be prone to temper tantrums because she suffers from sleep apnea.

Kirkland said she rushed to the Juvenile Assessment Center when she found out her granddaughter had been arrested for battery.

“I asked them for her, and they told me she was currently in process of being fingerprinted. And I think when they said fingerprinted is when it hit home to me. And I’m, like, fingerprinted? And they said yes, and they escorted me into an office and on the desk in that officer were two mugshot pictures of my 6-year-old granddaughter,” Kirkland said over the phone.

Orlando police said it stopped the Juvenile Assessment Center from fully processing the 6-year-old once it found out the school resource did not get his supervisor’s approval before arresting her.

Orlando Police Department policy states a supervisor must approve the arrest of anyone younger than 12 years old.

Kirkland wants to make sure her granddaughter was not fully processed because she has paperwork that said her granddaughter has a court appearance for the battery charge next month.
