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Trump impeachment scam being run like typical intelligence community operation, warns former CIA officer

9-10-2019 < Natural News 41 713 words
Image: Trump impeachment scam being run like typical intelligence community operation, warns former CIA officer

(Natural News) A former CIA officer-turned-whistleblower says that Democrats and the Deep State are currently running an intelligence scam on President Trump as a pretense to impeach him.

In an interview with USA Watchdog, Kevin Shipp said that the phone call “whistleblowers” the deep state has trotted out to claim the president made inappropriate political requests of Ukrainian President Zelensky is nothing more than a hoax on the scale of “Russian collusion” and other manufactured scandals in an effort to overturn the 2016 election.

“This is not a whistleblower. Let’s just start with that. This is a leaker. This person did not have anything to blow the whistle on. Everything written in this document is written not by this leaker, but by attorneys, and it is hearsay,” Shipp told USA Watchdog host Greg Hunter. 

“There is no evidence in it whatsoever. It is not a whistleblower complaint. He did not go through proper channels. He went directly to Congressman Adam Schiff, and people have got to understand this is another shadow government Deep State operation actually trying to remove the President,” Shipp noted further.

Since this interview, a ‘second whistleblower’ has supposedly come forward with “first-hand knowledge” of the president’s phone call with Zelensky. But that has left us (and many others) shaking their heads, shrugging their shoulders and saying, “So what?” After all, President Trump has already authorized the White House to release a transcript of his call with Zelensky — which the Deep State and the Democrat Left never expected him to do — so what else is there to “learn” about the call? (Related: It’s ON: The deep state plot to install Hillary Clinton as PRESIDENT this year, bypassing elections altogether.)

Nothing, of course. And oh, by the way, nothing that the first whistleblower, who only had “second-hand” information, or the dishonest Washington establishment media, said was correct. Trump didn’t beg Zelensky for dirt about Joe Biden, a potential 2020 presidential contender, but rather sought information about alleged corruption involving Joe Biden, son Hunter Biden, and a Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, which was under investigation until Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Kiev unless the government fired the prosecutor (which happened).

‘Brennan will roll’

All of which substantiates what Shipp said in his interview with Hunter — who goes on to note that these hoaxes could not be foisted upon the public without the help and assistance of the fake news establishment media.

“What they do when they do these operations, and they are so full of themselves and have used them so many times before, the reason why people don’t realize this is the news media, the arm of the Democrat Party and the Deep State, are lying like Adam Schiff, like CBS and others are lying about the facts,” said Shipp. “So, people watching these news organizations don’t realize how stupid this is and what essentially is another coup.”

As for whether or not anyone will ever be held accountable for staging these attempted coups against the president — and that’s what they are, coup attempts — Shipp believes former CIA Director and likely ringleader John Brennan, a vociferous Trump critic, will be the first one formally indicted. And when he is, he believes Brennan will start ratting out everyone who was in on “Spygate” and the rest of the scandals against Trump.

“I think John Brennan will roll over on [former Director of National Intelligence] James Clapper. I think John Brennan will roll over on [fired FBI Director] Jim Comey. I think John Brennan will roll over on the coup itself when he’s looking at the rest of his life in prison,” Shipp said. 

“He’ll roll over on Obama. This comes down to saving his own skin. Does John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, want to be in a cell with Billy Bob for the rest of his life? Heck no. Self-preservation will always come first with these people, and, yes, he will roll,” Shipp said.

Of course, he’ll have to be indicted first.

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