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British Chief of Police Warns “Misgendering” People is a Form of “Abuse”

16-10-2019 < Humans Are Free 139 332 words
Amidst soaring violent crime and stabbings across the country...

A chief of police in Britain chose to recognize “international pronouns day” by putting out a video warning people that misgendering transgender people was a form of “abuse.”

“Today is international pronouns day,” said Detective Chief Constable Julie Cooke in a video posted to Twitter. “Which is a day particularly important to people who identify as transgender or gender nonconforming.”

“Being misgendered can have a huge impact on somebody and their personal well being, it also can be used as a form of abuse for somebody and that just isn’t right,” she added.

“Today is about raising awareness, getting people to have conversations, and understanding why it is so important to understand the pronouns that somebody wishes to be used for them,” concluded Cooke.

The warning is no idle threat. Numerous people in the United Kingdom have been arrested for alleged “transphobia.”

Earlier this year, a 38-year-old woman was arrested in front of her own children and locked up for 7 hours after referring to a transgender woman as a man online.

A man was also interrogated for 30 minutes by police for liking a limerick on Twitter (he didn’t even write it) that made fun of transgender people.

A Christian doctor in the UK was also fired from his government job earlier this summer after he refused to refer to a 6 foot bearded man as “Madam.”

But who cares? It’s not as if the United Kingdom is currently experiencing record violent crime rates, with violent crime in England and Wales having risen by 19% in a year, is it?

No, it’s much more important to go after Twitter users who hurt someone’s feelings by referring to them as their biological gender.

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