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Cher: Nancy Pelosi Should Be Our President, Not That ‘WHORE’ Trump

22-10-2019 < No Fake News 12 157 words
Cher says Nancy Pelosi should be our President, not the whore Trump

Left-wing pop singer Cher has issued a spate of new insults at President Trump and declared her desire to see Nancy Pelosi installed as POTUS.

“U.S. discussing proposal to leave troops around Syria’s oil fields,” read a Washington Post headline that Cher tweeted out to her followers, to which she responded: “CANT PROTECT PPL, BUT WE CAN PROTECT OIL.”

“Trump MAKES MERCENARIES OUT OF BRAVE  SOLDIERS FOR OIL. Trumps a whore.Nancy Could Kick His Mammoth ass & Should Be PRES,” the unhinged singer said.
