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Landmark Brexit bill passed by UK lawmakers, all eyes now on crucial timetable vote (WATCH LIVE)

22-10-2019 < RT 19 345 words

UK lawmakers have given the green light to PM Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal, voting through his Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB) in Parliament and are now turning their attention to the significant program timetable motion.

UK MPs passed Johnson’s WAB at the second reading stage in the House of Commons on Tuesday evening by 329 votes to 299. The UK government’s joy at that result, however, may be short lived, with the very real prospect of defeat on the crucial program motion set to take place within the hour.

Johnson earlier warned lawmakers that the WAB will have to be pulled if the program  timetable motion is voted down, "and we will have to go forward to a general election."

Also on EU will wait on UK Parliament before granting Brexit delay, but no-deal ‘will never be our decision,’ says Tusk

The motion, which sets the timetable of only three days for MPs to study the WAB, has proven to be controversial with many lawmakers from across the House. Critics have complained that three days is not enough time to scrutinize and vote on such a historic piece of legislation.

As it stands, the timetable for the Brexit process includes a debate on amendments to the bill, such as a customs union and a second referendum later on Tuesday night and continuing until Thursday, culminating in votes at the third reading stage.

The UK government is desperate to advance the bill through the House of Commons and the Lords in time for the October 31 deadline – when the UK is scheduled to leave the European Union.

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Earlier, President of the European Council Donald Tusk revealed that any decision on whether to grant a Brexit delay would depend on what happens in the UK Parliament this week, but insisted the bloc would never choose a no-deal scenario.

