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51% of Americans believe First Amendment should be rewritten

28-10-2019 < SGT Report 13 233 words

from Fellowship Of The Minds:

This is scary. But not surprising.

The rights and freedoms previous generations fought for are under attack (think Second Amendment). They always will be by progressives who want to silence those who disagree with them. That’s the only way they can apparently win an argument.

And that’s the only way to ensure that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings are not hurt.

The Campaign for Free Speech released results of a recent poll that show the following:

51% of Americans think the First Amendment is outdated and should be rewritten. The First Amendment protects your right to free speech, free assembly, and freedom of religion, among other things.

48% believe “hate speech” should be illegal. (“Hate speech” is not defined—we left it up to the individual participant.) Of those, about half think the punishment for “hate speech” should include possible jail time, while the rest think it should just be a ticket and a fine.

80% don’t actually know what the First Amendment really protects. Those polled believed this statement is true: “The First Amendment allows anyone to say their opinion no matter what, and they are protected by law from any consequences of saying those thoughts or opinions.”

Go here for their full survey results.

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