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New Poll Relates Americans’ Frustration Regarding ‘Secret’ Impeachment

3-11-2019 < SGT Report 13 336 words

by Andrew West, Freedom OutPost:

There is a bit of a war brewing on Capitol Hill this week, as Republican lawmakers continue to chastise their Democratic peers regarding the manner in which they are conducting the “impeachment” of Donald Trump.

Much of the frustration comes from the left’s continued insistence of taking baby steps in the matter, lulling the general public into believing that massive, sweeping actions are not occurring on the regular.  This is due to the Democrats’ insistence on working in secret, clandestine areas of the Capitol and tightly controlling what information will be allowed to become public knowledge.

It seems as though Republican lawmakers aren’t the only ones who are frustrated, either.

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A substantial majority of Americans, 65 percent, agree with the Republican position that Democrats should have opened the initial depositions in the partisan impeachment inquiry to the public, according to the results of a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Friday.  

Only 33 percent think it is acceptable for the Democrats to have held the testimony provided by impeachment probe witnesses so far behind closed doors, and two percent have no opinion on the matter.

Republicans have lambasted the Democrats for refusing to hold public impeachment inquiry hearings and for not releasing the transcripts of the testimony provided so far. Seemingly responding to GOP pressure, Democrats say they will begin holding public hearings before Thanksgiving and begin releasing testimony transcripts by next week.

Those on the left are insisting that this latest “impeachment resolution” will somehow codify the process in order for there to be more transparency, but they ignore the fact that the leftist media has already been allowed to paint a spun portrait of the proceedings, based on the selective information being leaked by the Dems on high.

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