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As corporate America sells out to China, Facebook bans "Proud American" page for supporting U.S. Border Patrol

4-11-2019 < Natural News 20 703 words
Image: As corporate America sells out to China, Facebook bans “Proud American” page for supporting U.S. Border Patrol

(Natural News) It’s become patently obvious by now to anyone who is fair-minded and paying attention: The American Left, which has taken over the Democrat Party, is really the U.S. version of Red China’s Communist Party.

They bear the same political resemblance: Anti-freedom, anti-liberty, authoritarian, and most definitely anti-American.

We have seen it demonstrated time and again, especially in the age of President Donald Trump. Leftists in the Democrat Party, the mainstream media (which is really just the Democrats’ propaganda division), social media/tech industry, and several U.S. corporations routinely punish conservatives, liberty-minded Americans, Trump supporters, and anyone advocating “America first.” 

In recent days, for example, we’ve watched the NBA and its players lambaste a general manager, Houston Rockets’ Daryl Morey, just because he tweeted support for pro-democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong, a city in China that is semi-autonomous from the Communist regime that runs the rest of the country. (Related: Profit-focused American companies are picking China’s side in Hong Kong democracy protest as they bend to Communist regime that jails dissidents and harvests their organs.)

Mind you, the NBA does a lot of business in China — but the fact that the league is choosing dollars over democracy is proof enough where their allegiance lies.

The social media platforms are worse. For going on two years now, they have routinely punished conservatives, pro-America users and Trump supporters, and it happened again in recent days.

Facebook took down the “Proud American” page which demonstrated support for the U.S. Border Patrol and was started by a first-generation immigrant who actually works for the Department of Homeland Security — Sergio Tinoco.

“Born an only child in the city of Pharr, Texas to a single mother who still lived in Mexico, Sergio was raised by his maternal grandparents in the United States so that he could obtain an American education. Due to his family’s poor economical means, he had to work since the age of seven in the crop fields of Michigan and those of the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas,” says a biography of Tinoco, who is also the author of the book, “Proud American.”

The American Left IS the Communist Left

In addition, Tinoco served in the U.S. Army and is a veteran; it was after that service when he joined DHS as a Border Patrol agent.

Tinoco’s Facebook page had 44,000 likes, but for some reason the tech platform took it down last week without warning and without explanation.

In an interview with The Gateway Pundit, he said that in the past Facebook suppressed his page but never completely took it down. He added that he has filed a grievance with Facebook but, in typical fashion, no one has responded to him.

One post proclaiming that Proud American supported National Breast Cancer Awareness Month was ‘limited.’ Why? What’s controversial about that, other than the fact that the graphic posted in support of the event also featured a U.S. Border Patrol badge?

Another post that was penalized was actually a story by the New York City affiliate of CBS News. The headline was, “Child Rape Suspects Released in New York & New Jersey After Local Jails Refused to Hold Men for ICE” — Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an agency the Communist American Left has singled out for opposition and banning because it serves as our country’s internal illegal immigration agency.

Still another post featured a video of Left-wing Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who joined anti-ICE protesters outside the agency’s office. That one, too, was singled out.

The fact is, the American Left is the same as the authoritarian Communist Left in the former Soviet Union and today’s China, Cuba, and North Korea. They hate our country, they hate our traditions, and every action they take is designed to weaken our institutions and destroy our founding.

They must be dealt with decisively at the ballot box if we are to save our republic. That includes punishing any American corporation that sides with a Communist regime.

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