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‘Woke’ college kids can’t take a joke? Black student kicked from meeting for wearing Justin Trudeau blackface costume

6-11-2019 < RT 15 432 words

Mocking Justin Trudeau and his past penchant for blackface is apparently off-limits – even if you’re black. An African-American conservative was booted from a student meeting for dressing up as the Canadian prime minister.

Koby Peters, a student government member at Colorado State University, was asked to leave an assembly because he showed up dressed as Trudeau in blackface. Photos of the Canadian leader surfaced earlier this year showing him donning the ultra-offensive face paint as part of a costume.

For his own costume, Peters donned a black blazer and dress shirt and painted his face black and topped it off with a Trudeau-esque wig. He also waved two small Canadian flags, essential props for any Trudeau costume.

The engineering student told Campus Reform that his colleagues voted to remove him from the meeting without offering him a chance to defend himself. Peters said it was bizarre that the group thought it was offensive that a black man was wearing blackface.

“As you can see, I cannot take off my blackface so adding on another shade, in my opinion, doesn’t change anything,” Peters told the outlet. He stressed that his aim wasn’t to offend but rather to spark a conversation about double standards in politics.

I chose this costume to bring out the hypocrisy that Canada re-elected Justin Trudeau on the back of the endorsement of Barack Obama, so we really need to figure out whether blackface is OK or it’s not OK.

Peters theorized that he was booted simply because he’s one of the few black conservatives, who “aren’t supposed to exist,” on campus.

The costume could even cost Peters his leadership role, although he said that he was confident that he would be able to beat racism charges filed against him.

Also on The many faces of Justin Trudeau: Canadian PM memed mercilessly after brownface debacle

Incredibly, the university’s chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers sent an email to its members about the incident, describing it as “another recent issue with disrespect towards people of color.” The message didn’t mention that Peters was black.

In September, a photograph of a grinning 29-year-old Trudeau wearing brown makeup on his face, neck, and hands was discovered in an old yearbook from a private school where the Canadian prime minister once taught.

Responding to the embarrassing photos, Trudeau acknowledged that it was racist to wear blackface, but insisted that he was still a champion of minorities.

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