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Globalist Magazine ‘The Economist’ Tells Plebs to Eat Bugs

16-11-2019 < SGT Report 16 288 words

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Globalist magazine ‘The Economist’ published an article encouraging people to live on a diet of bugs like citizens in the conflict-torn Congo in order to save the planet.

Entitled ‘Why eating bugs is so popular in Congo’, the piece champions the consumption of caterpillars, crickets and grasshoppers as being “richer in protein than beef or fish.”

“Others around the world should catch up,” writes the unnamed author. “Bug farming takes up less land, requires less food and does less damage to the environment than meat or fish farming.”

“Hunting insects is easy, too. Anyone can wander into the forest—or, indeed, to the airport—and gather caterpillars, ants and grasshoppers,” he adds before admitting that “The wrong variety of insect can poison consumers.”

Eating bugs being popular in the Congo may have something to to with the fact that the DROC is a a conflict-torn, corrupt, politically unstable hellhole with a barely functioning economy from which hundreds of thousands have fled while millions more are at risk of malnutrition and starvation.

Just a thought.

The irony of the Economist telling people to eat bugs is pretty thick given that its own readership, which largely comprises of wealthy privileged elitists, would never even consider doing such a thing.

Once again, it’s very much a case of do as we say not as we do.

Eating bugs has been heavily promoted by cultural institutions and the media in recent months because people are being readied to accept drastically lower standards of living under disastrous global ‘Green New Deal’ programs.

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