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Fox’s Tucker Carlson questions Douma ‘chemical attack proof' and roots for Russia on air. Off with his head, cry MSM

26-11-2019 < RT 18 163 words

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has crossed an MSM Rubicon and questioned the Douma “gas attack” fraud on air, bringing up the OPCW whistleblower. Then he “rooted for Russia” over Ukraine. Was it a “betrayal,” or epic truth-trolling?

Carlson boldly went where no mainstream TV host had gone before, unpacking the explosive story of April 2018’s Douma “chemical weapons attack.” While the “attack” was attributed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by an altered report from the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons, two whistleblowers within the group accused it of omitting evidence to craft a misleading narrative - a fact that has never crossed the lips of US media until Monday night.
