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Role of Secret Societies in Bringing Forth the Coveted New World Order

13-12-2019 < SGT Report 8 742 words

from Humans Are Free:

The pulsing, squeezing beat of the living organism called the Elite — those in influential positions who are making unwanted decisions for us — have succeeded in bringing forth a global government or New World Order (NWO).

They pulled out their entire armory, and over dozens of years, generations of generations, they have pushed the NWO agenda down our throats, and we’ve meekly accepted it.

They have used and still are using both overt and covert methods to make us accept the dissolution of the American Constitution, and, in irony, be grateful for it.

Secret Societies New World Order

They have invaded our churches, our schools, our culture, our economy, our history our political strongholds, and even our minds. And with barely a whimper, we have condoned the loss of our country, the loss of our values and mores, the loss of free thinking, and the loss of the control of our own minds.

They own our economy, our political system, our children and, most of all, they own us — we, who years ago, should have fought back to prevent the downfall of our beloved America and our freedoms.

“There is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocking, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – Woodrow Wilson, 1913, quoted in Dr. Dennis Cuddy’s book, “Secret Records Revealed

“Beneath the broad tides of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents of the secret societies, which frequently determine in the depth the changes that take place upon the surface.” – Arthur Edward Waite, The Real History of the Rosicrucian, 1977 [1]

Some of their means for achieving their goals are blatant; others are camouflaged and done behind closed doors, but however they accomplish their goals, the result is the same: They have planned well, implemented admirably, and shattered us conclusively.

Their techniques have been varied and effective, but one of the most effective, behind-the-scenes methods is the use of the secret societies.

You’ve heard of this one major vehicle – the secret societies – haven’t you? They’re real – those shadow or underground groups that control the world by powerful members that hide the truth from us, that wield a force greater than hundreds of megatons of bombs.

There isn’t any one article or any one particular book that can cover the entire gamut of what secret societies are all about, who their members are, what they have done and what they plan to do, so certainly this short article alone can not possibly envelop it all.

What is known is that their members — commanding, wealthy elite men, some women — hold sway over us and network all the way to the top of nations’ governments and schools to ascertain that their desired people and agenda are put into place and enforced.

Since this can’t be told in an all-encompassing article on secret societies, only the basics are offered here.

No two experts agree on any definitive hierarchy of the secret societies. Below serves only as a sampling, but as you read through this, keep in mind that “Paganism and Luciferianism are the bases of all secret societies.” [2]


Myths, legends, societies, signs, and symbols have their origins in Antiquity and have been used for centuries as a means of identifying individuals and their roles.

The majority of them are occultic, with emphasis on gods and goddesses, and witchcraft and other dark, subversive activities. No matter what an occultist practices, it is for Lucifer and not for God:

“The Bible and the Church condemn all kinds of Occultism with the strongest words and penalties because Occultism is from the devil.” [3]

Dr. J. Dominguez – an occult expert – offers:

“There are 10,000 astrologers, and 40 million people consult the horoscope…. In California, the Satanic Church has 8,000 members. There are 20,000 “santero priests” in Miami and New York. In England, there are 9,000 witches, and in France, 60,000 with earnings of over $200 million per year”. [4]

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