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Russia, China suggest new UN Security Council resolution easing North Korea sanctions

16-12-2019 < RT 21 305 words

International sanctions that prohibit sale and transfer of certain machines, materials and vehicles and livelihood items to North Korea should be relaxed, China and Russia say in a new draft UN resolution.

Beijing and Moscow have proposed lifting a portion of sanctions imposed on North Korea in a draft Security Council resolution that was obtained by RT.

The resolution calls on the UNSC to phase out certain measures towards Pyongyang in recognition of North Korea staying away from nuclear testing and its commitment to the complete de-nuclearization.

The resolution calls on the UNSC to allow export, transfer and sale of a range of items that are needed by the civilian population. It also argues that the inter-Korean railroad project should be exempted from sanctions, along with railway track materials used for its construction.

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Moscow and Beijing commend the negotiations between the US and North Korea and efforts that the parties have made so far to alleviate military tension on the Korean peninsula, such as Washington and Seoul indefinitely postponing large-scale joint military drills at North Korea’s doorstep.

The draft calls for further measures to be taken by both Washington and Pyongyang to ensure no military conflict breaks out, suggesting an adoption of a formal peace treaty can become the next step.

While the draft has yet to be put to a debate, Washington has already rejected any possibility of sanctions relief. A US State Department official cited by Reuters described the proposal as “premature” while accusing Pyongyang of "threatening to conduct an escalated provocation, refusing to meet to discuss denuclearization.”

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